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feature requests

Hi everyone, 

I'm formulating a plan for a few new major features for future versions but before I commit to a list, does anyone have any suggestions?

MacMiner Developer,


  • It would be nice to have the miners windows report the best share found and, eventually, when a block is found by the miner MacMiner may play a funny jingle and display fireworks effects. It would be great! :)
  • That would be pretty easy to implement actually, I'll put that in as an option when I'm updating the preferences!
  • Since the system name causes so many problems with MobileMiner, why not add it as a configuration item. Have the user provide a name to associate with their system versus pulling the hostname. Don't allow special character and spaces.
  • Feature Request

    I'd like a summary view like the one included in the Miners (e.g. FPGA/ASIC Miner window). I want to see all miners in a summary format. My networked miner shows in the API but the only way I can see an aggregate is on MobileMiner.

    It would be great if it was right in the miner window. You have the total Gh of the controlled miners and the accepted/rejected stats to the left. Over to the right, there could be an aggregate total that includes each miner (bfgminer, cgminer, FPGA/ASIC, network miners, etc.).

    It would be nice to take a quick glance to see my totals. I can't find a way to do this in MacMiner today.

  • Would a total in the API Output window be what you're looking for? I mean to expand the capability of that window a lot

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