[2014-01-13 22:53:10] Received no-transaction-list response for pool 1 job 142812489406033239279506047813082353299 [2014-01-13 22:53:10] Pool 1 stratum bdifficulty set to 355.611749 …
Yes for MacMiner. I deleted the \ per line escape (I had them in there to mirror the FAQ far above) I deleted the pool flags in the bfgminer.conf file and left the failovers (should I have ?)
Yeah, I feel comfortable that the file is there since I can find it in Terminal and edit it. Thanks for all your help above. Expect a biiiig tip if I hit a block
So, I created a bitcoin.conf file under Application Support/Bitcoin/ and used the vi text editor. Of course, now I can't "see" the file when I open the Bitcoin folder, but I'm assuming that's bc Macs aren't able to read that type of file?
I like how nearly random the payouts are...it's like holidays when you get gifts, except that instead of the holidays being regular and logical, they're randomly scattered throughout the month or year.
Hmm..having trouble finding the bitcoin.conf file (let alone Application Support folder) under OSX Mavericks. I'll keep hunting. I assume you meant I'd change "username" and "superstrongpassword" when I edit the file in Setting up solo mining through MacMiner?Comment by brainbrainDecember 2013
Thanks for the reply. I'm currently running the latest version of Bitcoin-qt (0.8.6) and am "all caught up" which is hilarious--took about 1.5 days...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bitcoin-QT is bitcoind? How do I find the URL of my "nod…