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Setting up solo mining through MacMiner?

edited December 2013 in General
I understand MacMiner is a frontend for command-line mining programs, so can I reconfig it for solo mining on my Mac?  If so, just create a config file on Bitcoin-qt or whatever -qt I'm shooting for?

Just curious...I fully understand how ineffective it will/would be + how long I'd have to wait to hash a block at 120GH/s...

--Will The Thrill


  • You'd need TH to solo mine - you can check the specifics at

    here's a guide though:


    BFGMiner supports solo mining with any GBT-compatible bitcoin node (such as
    bitcoind). To use this mode, you need to specify the URL of your bitcoind node
    using the usual pool options (--url, --userpass, etc), and the --coinbase-addr
    option to specify the Bitcoin address you wish to receive the block rewards
    mined. If you are solo mining with more than one instance of BFGMiner (or any
    other software) per payout address, you must also specify data using the
    --coinbase-sig option to ensure each miner is working on unique work. Note
    that this data will be publicly seen if your miner finds a block using any
    GBT-enabled pool, even when not solo mining (such as failover). If your
    bitcoin node does not support longpolling (for example, bitcoind 0.8.x), you
    should consider setting up a failover pool to provide you with block
    notifications. Note that solo mining does not use shares, so BFGMiner's adjusted
    hashrate (third column) may suddenly drop to zero if a block you submit is
    rejected; this does not indicate that it has stopped mining.

    Example solo mining usage:

    bfgminer -o http://localhost:8332 -u username -p password \
        --coinbase-addr 1QATWksNFGeUJCWBrN4g6hGM178Lovm7Wh \
        --coinbase-sig "rig1: This is Joe's block!"

    so you'd add
    --coinbase-addr 1QATWksNFGeUJCWBrN4g6hGM178Lovm7Wh --coinbase-sig "rig1: This is Joe's block!"
    in miner settings
  • Thanks for the reply.  I'm currently running the latest version of Bitcoin-qt (0.8.6) and am "all caught up" which is hilarious--took about 1.5 days...

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Bitcoin-QT is bitcoind?  How do I find the URL of my "node"?  I've looked under all the tabs on Bitcoin-QT.

    The rest of the instructions in BFGminer seem pretty logical.  I may have a few additional questions in the future.  Thanks already for your help.

    I plan on leaving 50% of my rig running (and contributing to) the fablouspanda pool as it's been great getting 2-3 payouts/day.

    --Will The Thrill
  • Bitcoin-Qt is the GUI for bitcoind which is the binary that does all the work

    If you're running Bitcoin-Qt bitcoind will be running but you might need to edit this file
     / Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

    to look like this:





    and your node is the computer you're running Bitcoin on - if that's the computer you're using the address is localhost or 127.0.01

    Glad to hear Fabulous Panda Pool is working out for you! Let me know how solo mining goes… if you get lucky you'll get very lucky :)

  • Hmm..having trouble finding the bitcoin.conf file (let alone Application Support folder) under OSX Mavericks.  I'll keep hunting.  I assume you meant I'd change "username" and "superstrongpassword" when I edit the file :)

    --The Thrill
  • In the Terminal put this in:
    cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin/
    vi bitcoin.conf
    if the file doesn't exist this will create it for you - it would be advisable to change the password!
  • Thank you!  Very helpful, indeed.

    --The Thrill
  • So, I created a bitcoin.conf file under Application Support/Bitcoin/ and used the vi text editor.  Of course, now I can't "see" the file when I open the Bitcoin folder, but I'm assuming that's bc Macs aren't able to read that type of file?
  • you should be able to see the file, unless it begins with a . 

    Take care to note that ctrl-z quits without saving while ZZ (hold shift, press z twice) saves the file in vi
  • I checked using nano editor and the file is "there" and looks as I saved it :)  That's good news.  I stuck in some ipallow commands to let my networked miners join in the fun (I assume I did that right).

  • you mean rpcallowip? You can check out an example file here:

    I guess I get used to having 'invisible' files show by default in the Finder, lets files like these show up for you but you get a .DS_Store in every folder :/
  • Yeah, I feel comfortable that the file is there since I can find it in Terminal and edit it.  Thanks for all your help above.  Expect a biiiig tip if I hit a block :)

    I used all the correct commands, I was just truncating my post so it wasn't so wordy/charactery.

    Now, I'm going to try to point all my networked miners at my host--I've got crossed fingers!  Two are running standalone via cgminer and one is connected to this host that I'm using.

    So, in that case, will I set (if I'm using three rigs) three different --coinbase -sig "XXX" lines, one per rig?  Does it matter what name I give each rig?
  • Hmm...I keep getting "unexpected new line" error...
  • Fixed that problem, now I get:

    "Unexpected extra command line arguments"

    Am I putting the coinbase sig info and coinbase address info in the wrong spot?  I've got it in the manual flags box under miner settings...
  • can you post your bfgminer.conf with any sensitive information blanked out please? unexpected new line means the file isn't strictly conforming to JSON and it can't parse it, and the unexpected command line arguments is usually something in the manual flags, how have you set that up? You're pointing at something like http://localhost:8332?

    You can set up different sigs on different machines and different addresses if you like
  • {
    "pools" : [
            "url" : "http://localhost:8332",
            "user" : "XXXXX",
            "pass" : "XXXXX"
            "url" : "",
            "user" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb",
            "pass" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb"
            "url" : "",
            "user" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb",
            "pass" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb"

    "kernel-path" : "/Applications/"
  • manual flags:

    -o http://localhost:3332 -u XXXXX -p XXXXX \
        --coinbase-addr 1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb \
        --coinbase-sig "that was easy"

  • Are you mining at the command line or in MacMiner? I assume MacMiner as you're not linking the conf file. First off either way you shouldn't be escaping new lines with \ with your manual flags - just one long string of commands separated by a space is right. Also, there's no need for the pool, username and password flags because they're in the .conf file. You can also add the others to the conf under the pass
    "coinbase-addr" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb",
    "coinbase-sig" : "that was easy"
  • Yes for MacMiner.
    I deleted the \ per line escape (I had them in there to mirror the FAQ far above)
    I deleted the pool flags in the bfgminer.conf file and left the failovers (should I have ?)

    Now I get action but it's this:

    5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none         
    5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none         
    5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none         
     [2014-01-13 22:30:02] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update
     [2014-01-13 22:30:02] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update                   
    5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none         

    ...and permutations of the above in various patterns.

  • did you remove the pools from the conf file or the manual flags? I'd keep them in the conf file. Personally I'd have all of it in the conf file so you can just leave manual flags blank. What you're describing may well be working, I'm actually not sure - put on debug output in miner settings panel for a run and see what you get!
  • Again, thanks for any/everything!

    I took the localhost flags (url, u, p) from the bfgminer.conf file and left in the two failover pool flags.
  • {
    "pools" : [
            "url" : "",
            "user" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb",
            "pass" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb"
            "url" : "",
            "user" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb",
            "pass" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb"

    "kernel-path" : "/Applications/"
  • That's what my bfgminer.conf file looks like.  After eliminating my localhost:3332 url, it's showing that output above.

    I assume since the localhost url and u and p are in my bitcoin.conf file that it's working...who knows :)
  • bfgminer won't pick up on bitcoin.conf - you need to use the RPC details - you should put the conf back the way it was but add 
    "coinbase-addr" : "1PiYJ1VTdY2JbP4CdAgLvZjijpwMQPVEnb",
    "coinbase-sig" : "that was easy"
    below the passwords and leave the manual flags blank, put on debug output, see how it goes
  • Ha!  I'll give that all a shot.  We'll see how it goes!
  • Oooh!  Looks like movement...

     [2014-01-13 22:53:10] Received no-transaction-list response for pool 1 job 142812489406033239279506047813082353299
     [2014-01-13 22:53:10] Pool 1 stratum bdifficulty set to 355.611749                   
     [2014-01-13 22:53:10] Received stratum notify from pool 1 with job_id=142812489406033239279506047813082353299                   
     [2014-01-13 22:53:10] Generated stratum header 0000000204d5abdd6c5a8432d6c4f912eaca244200016adf5e5fe70d00000000000000000d4b650beb3b58006ca29305194493c909492fc0a04657cd9ca7473440f8ac4352d4c2b71902666600000000                   
     [2014-01-13 22:53:10] Work job_id 142812489406033239279506047813082353299 nonce2 00000000                   
     [2014-01-13 22:53:10] Generated target 0000000000b849be6dd4c4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                   
     [2014-01-13 22:53:10] Received no-transaction-list response for pool 1 job 142812489406033239279506047813082353299                   
    5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none       

  • no transaction list doesn't sound good. Is your bitcoind open and synchronised?
  • Yeah...hmm...occasionally it's "discarding stale work" but still outputting no transaction list.
  • is pool 1 localhost or is pool 0 localhost?
  • Pool 0 is localhost.  I just got a:

     [2014-01-13 23:12:18] Initiate stratum failed                   
     [2014-01-13 23:12:18] FAILED to retrieve work from pool 0 http://localhost:3332                   
    5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none         
    5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none

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