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Setting up solo mining through MacMiner?



  • ah. message me the contents of your bitcoin.conf if you don't mind and I'll make sure that's all good - I've got to get some sleep though it's 5:20am here :S I'll get back to you soon though!
  • No worries!  I'll mess with this tomorrow or soon.  Thanks again.
  • Here's an example bitcoin.conf


    so in this example you'd use http://localhost:8332 with user USRNAME and password RANDOMPASSWORD

    You'll have to restart Bitcoin for the change to take effect
  • John, after tinkering, I'm getting this in the output window:

     [2014-01-15 17:55:57] lowlevel_scan: Found vcom device at dev_t:01000012 (path=/dev/cu.usbserial-FTWVBASQ, vid=0000, pid=0000, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
     [2014-01-15 17:55:57] /dev/cu.usbserial-FTWVBASQ is already in use by another process
     [2014-01-15 17:55:57] BFL: Attempting to open /dev/cu.usbserial-FTWVBASQ
     [2014-01-15 17:55:57] BFL: Failed to open /dev/cu.usbserial-FTWVBASQ
     [2014-01-15 17:55:57] No devices detected!
     [2014-01-15 17:55:57] Waiting for devices
     [2014-01-15 17:55:57] Probing for an alive pool
     [2014-01-15 17:55:57] Testing pool
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Successfully retrieved but FAILED to decipher work from pool 0
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Successfully retrieved and deciphered work from pool 0
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Pushing pooltest work to base pool
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Pushing work 0 from pool 0 to hash queue
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Network difficulty changed to 1.79G (12.81Ph/s)
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] New block: ...b717a5b4bd342f50 diff 1.79G (12.81Ph/s)
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] No suitable long-poll found for
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Pool 0 alive
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] 0 cpu miner threads started, using SHA256 'fastauto' algorithm.
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Creating extra submit work thread
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Selecting pool 0 for work
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] API bind to port 4028 failed - trying again in 30sec
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Recruited curl for pool 0
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] DBG: sending get RPC call: {"method": "getwork", "params": [], "id":0}
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Generated getwork work
     [2014-01-15 17:55:58] Pushing work 0 from pool 0 to hash queue

    Then it will just sit there for as long as you want without changing...I've tinkered some other settings and MacMiner crashes after 5-10mins but at that point it will tell me GH/s.  That's if I delete all pools except pool 0, the localhost pool.  Weird!
  • It looks like there's another bfg or cgminer process using your device, can you quit that in Activity Monitor first please?

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