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  • Sorry to hear about pricing there. Haven't heard of the other device you mentioned but a quick check shows me that's going to be out of common person's reach for quite some time... but it may change the balance of things again... Kind of a wild ride…
  • Hmmm... don't really know anything about RaspberryPi but I'll check it out, thanks!

    As for running one instance of MacMiner for each device, it's not so bad now that I figured out the steps to do it right. Not sure I would want …

  • Well, I've definitely learned a few things about these Gridseeds in the last day or so.

    Originally I think it was by luck that some of the fiddling got good results. As I fiddled more, things go…
  • Hmmm... Well, running two instances of MacMiner with different settings in the flags seems like a good idea but I can't seem to get both hashing. Whichever one I fire up first seems to do OK, but the second shows "starting" but never produces any ac…
  • hmmm, I can't get them to hash if I cut power to the fans.

    So, still just hoping that there will be a way that my computer will recognize both of them. 

    I would put one one the MacBookPro, but there se…
  • OK, thanks. I don't pay for electricity (I'm a property manager, utilities paid) so I'm not concerned about that, but if it speeds them up then I'll give it a try.

    I am finding that overclocking at 850MHz is giving me the best h…
  • No I have not tried that... did not know I could turn the fan off.  The image you included is not showing. I'm guessing it tells me how to turn the fan off?
  • Hi again...

    I saw your mention of set up someone used with more than one device so I tried this...

    --freq=800 -G /dev/cu.usbmodem142431, /dev/cu.usbmodem142471
  • I've tested just about every configuration I could think of, including running each device solo and confirmed they both run at about the same speed. I'm guessing the software is only recognizing one of them, regardless of the flag settings. I tried …
  • And, I'll watch for your next update. Will there still be a separate Gridseed version?
  • I went back and tried the --freq 800 --dual but that's definitely not working. 

    I'll go back to my previous settings and try 750 for frequency. Not a lot of time today to fiddle with this, but I will check back in today.
  • Well, I've gone back and forth every 3-5 hours with these two flag settings:

    --freq=800 -G /dev/cu.usbmodem1421 -G /dev/cu.usbmodem1451

    --freq=800 --gc3355=/dev/cu.usbmodem1421 …
  • After my last post I had taken out the second freq flag. The hash rate seemed to stabilize at around 520ish. Better than with just one running but I am still hoping it gets better as we can tweak it!

    I changed the flag as sugges…

  • Trying to get cgminer going. I stopped the cpu miner then did set up for cgminer and started and got this:
     [2014-03-07 15:12:13] Started cgminer 3.8.5

     [2014-03-07 15:12:13] Loaded conf…

  • OK, I will give that a try with the cgminer.

    How can I get both my gridseeds running with the CPU Miner?

    Very happy some of my feedback can help others get going!

  • I boosted the frequency to 800.... still running great, and acceptance 100% sticking at 100%! Hash rate showing 320-360 now.

  • OK, it looks like that flag did the trick!

    The CPU Miner window shows zero as the hash rate. But, it shows many accepted shares and 99.4% acceptance level. The pool is showing my hash rate at 260-330 which seems pretty good cons…
  • Downloaded v5. Double checked and ran the terminal commands to be sure the drivers were unloaded. I entered this in the manual flag (hope I got this right... my brain feeling fuzzy since I'm so out of my element with this)  
  • No, the CPUMiner never started hashing... just repeated what I pasted above.  Without the --dual flag it just kicks into my CPU.

    With the -F 600 flag I'm still getting the same output as before and no hashing.
  • And I'm still getting about the same results with CGMiner after running the terminal commands and opening MacMiner again.

     gridseed detect (20:30) failed to initialise (incorrect device?)                    


  • This is what I am getting from the CPU Miner on the latest version with the manual flag set as -F 800 --dual

    [2014-03-06 18:50:11] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://

    [2014-03-06 18:50:11] 0: GC…

  • Oh, you snuck that CPU update in on me while I was doing the other tests. 

    I'll download that and give your other instructions a whirl. Will report back soon!

  • OK, I plugged each gridseed (not at the same time) into each of the four USB ports on the back of the iMac. I quit MacMiner each time before moving the cable to a different port.

    Here's what I'm getting consistently:
  • OK, I downloaded version 3.... Thank You!

    I also plugged both the devices into my powered USB hub. because I was waiting for the power supplies I had just one plugged in directly to the back of the iMac before.
  • Hi again...

    What I have is the 5 chip device. 

    I downloaded the version 2 from the link you posted. I also uninstalled previous versions first. I have out in the manual flag as directed, and I had set …
  • I have a couple Gridseeds coming soon... Thanks so much for that guide. I have a hunch I'll have them up and running in no time now!

  • Well, it been a terribly busy week that included surgery for hubby and flu for me.... eeeeek!

    So, the Antminers have been running so smoothly and effortlessly on my MacBookPro that I have not messed with them.  You know, the old…
  • Hello again...

    Well I received my second powered USB hub and plugged it into the iMac at the back and I'm essentially getting the same problem readings as before:

  • The powered USB hub just arrived today and right now I have it attached to the MBP since it's running so well. Another hub will arrive tomorrow so I'll try it on the iMac. I've tried the Antminer on the ports on the keyboard and currently it is plug…
  • I just have no clue why there is such a vast difference on the two machines and I'm surprised especially because the MBP is quite old and ruining OS X 10.7 while the iMac is brand new and running OS X 10.9.

    I installed the same …