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Problem with Antminer on iMac running latest MacMiner

edited February 2014 in Support

I just received a couple Antminers today and have one running on a 6 year old MacBookPro with no problem and clocking at 1.9 gh/s.

But, on my iMac that is only month's old, I seem to be stuck... I see there are errors but am clueless about how to fix... HELP! Here's the readout from the window...

[2014-02-21 00:52:24] Started bfgminer 3.10.0

 [2014-02-21 00:52:24] Loaded configuration file /Users/tams/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf

 [2014-02-21 00:52:24] Found AMU 0 at /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART

 [2014-02-21 00:52:24] Probing for an alive pool

 [2014-02-21 00:52:24] Testing pool stratum+tcp://

 [2014-02-21 00:52:24] HTTP request failed: Protocol stratum+tcp not supported or disabled in libcurl

 [2014-02-21 00:52:25] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0

 [2014-02-21 00:52:25] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive

 [2014-02-21 00:52:25] Opened Icarus on /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART

 [2014-02-21 00:52:25] 0 cpu miner threads started, using SHA256 'fastauto' algorithm.

 [2014-02-21 00:52:25] API running in IP access mode on port 4028

 [2014-02-21 00:52:25] Network difficulty changed to 623k ( 4.46Th/s)

 [2014-02-21 00:52:25] New block: ...5bd6c581d0c13794 diff 623k ( 4.46Th/s)

 [2014-02-21 00:52:25] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

 [2014-02-21 00:52:25] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us

I'm sure I need to tweak something, just don't know what!

Assistance GREATLY appreciated!!


  • How do you mean it's stuck? the log there looks as though it's working, what's happening with hash rate and accepts?
  • Well, it seems to be starting and then stopping constantly... The log screen fills, flashes and seems to start over.

    The log from my MBP is quite different. It is running at 1.9 to 2.1 Gh consistently. Not showing any starting and restarting, just a nice constant flow of information.

    At the moment this one on the iMac shows .62 Gh. I've seen it vary from .19 Gh to about .72 GH.

    Is this line from the log the problem?

     [2014-02-21 00:52:24] HTTP request failed: Protocol stratum+tcp not supported or disabled in lib curl

    I also see this every time before it clears the screen and seems to start over.

     [2014-02-21 12:29:55] Received kill message

     [2014-02-21 12:29:55] AMU 0 shutting down

     [2014-02-21 12:29:56] Killing AMU 0

  • I just have no clue why there is such a vast difference on the two machines and I'm surprised especially because the MBP is quite old and ruining OS X 10.7 while the iMac is brand new and running OS X 10.9.

    I installed the same drivers and both computers are running the newest version of MacMiner.

    Again, any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • Ah, I think this is an issue with the USB port, are you using one of the ones on the back of the iMac? Do you have a powered USB hub? It would be worth trying another port
  • The powered USB hub just arrived today and right now I have it attached to the MBP since it's running so well. Another hub will arrive tomorrow so I'll try it on the iMac. I've tried the Antminer on the ports on the keyboard and currently it is plugged into a port in back.

    Thanks so much for your quick responses. If I still have trouble I'll be back!

    Here's to a great weekend for all!

  • The ports on the keyboard I wouldn't have expected to work at all but I'd hope that back would work OK - let me know how you get on! Have a good weekend :)
  • Hello again...

    Well I received my second powered USB hub and plugged it into the iMac at the back and I'm essentially getting the same problem readings as before:

     [2014-02-22 20:21:13] Started bfgminer 3.10.0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:13] Loaded configuration file /Users/tams/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf
     [2014-02-22 20:21:13] Found AMU 0 at /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
     [2014-02-22 20:21:13] Probing for an alive pool
     [2014-02-22 20:21:13] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
     [2014-02-22 20:21:13] HTTP request failed: Protocol stratum+tcp not supported or disabled in libcurl
     [2014-02-22 20:21:13] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:13] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
     [2014-02-22 20:21:14] Network difficulty changed to 628k ( 4.50Th/s)
     [2014-02-22 20:21:14] New block: ...cfaa95ce # 57786 diff 628k ( 4.50Th/s)
     [2014-02-22 20:21:14] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
     [2014-02-22 20:21:14] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
     [2014-02-22 20:21:14] Opened Icarus on /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
     [2014-02-22 20:21:14] 0 cpu miner threads started, using SHA256 'fastauto' algorithm.
     [2014-02-22 20:21:14] API running in IP access mode on port 4028
     [2014-02-22 20:21:21] Received kill message
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] AMU 0 shutting down
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Killing AMU 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] 
    Summary of runtime statistics:

     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Started at [2014-02-22 20:21:14]Setting up an FPGA or ASIC device
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Pool: stratum+tcp://
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Runtime: 0 hrs : 0 mins : 8 secs
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Average hashrate: 2654.8 Megahash/s
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Solved blocks: 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Best share difficulty: 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Share submissions: 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Accepted shares: 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Rejected shares: 0 + 0 stale (nan%)
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Accepted difficulty shares: 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Rejected difficulty shares: 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:22] Hardware errors: 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:23] Network transfer: 740.0 / 234.0  B  (122.5 /  38.7  B/s)
     [2014-02-22 20:21:23] Efficiency (accepted shares * difficulty / 2 KB): 0.00
     [2014-02-22 20:21:23] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min

     [2014-02-22 20:21:23] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:23] Work items generated locally: 9
     [2014-02-22 20:21:23] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
     [2014-02-22 20:21:23] New blocks detected on network: 1

     [2014-02-22 20:21:23] Summary of per device statistics:

    Any suggestions? A driver problem/conflict? How would I check that to troubleshoot?

    Thanks again!

  • Are the pools the same, and how about the network connections?

    There's something bad going on
    Received kill message
    AMU 0 shutting down
    Killing AMU 0

    you installed the silabs driver I'm sure? You could try deleting that


    and installing it again

    also try switching around with each port on the back of the iMac

  • Well, it been a terribly busy week that included surgery for hubby and flu for me.... eeeeek!

    So, the Antminers have been running so smoothly and effortlessly on my MacBookPro that I have not messed with them.  You know, the old if it ain't broke don't fix it...

    Anyway, I have have a couple of the new Gridseeds on the way. Will I be able to use them with MacMiner... I hope hope hope so! Thanks for your incredible support. As soon as those Antminers collect enough goodies I'll be sending some your way!

  • Ouch, I hope everything's OK now! Thank you for your support too :) I see you found the Gridseed guide at - let me know how you get on!

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