At the top left hand corner of the API View window, you will see the text "Add Networked Minor", click on the text and a dialog will popup for you to enter the IP address of your AntMiner S1, so enter that with the port at the end after a colon, e.g…
What equipment are you using for mining bitcoin? If you don't have ASIC devices then forget mining, instead buy a few bitcoins and wait for the price to rise. If you do get an ASIC device, or a few of them, then join a mining pool and you will the…
Thanks, after a few tries and then switching off the power to the USB hub and switching back on I managed to get the Red Furies and the BFL all running again. Phew
Have you tried to fix this bug yet? `i still get new tabs popping up! Why do you have different event code for the same button albeit top and bottom buttons but they do the same so should use the same event code.
I'm thinking of getting an ATX PSU, do you need to modify the PSU cables in anyway to connect them to the BFL? Any PSU suggestions? I like the corsair PSUs, I used a 750W corsair PSU in my Hackintosh.
Well my BFL 60GHs ASIC miner arrived today, I installed the driver and rebooted the Mac. The BFL and 3 Red Fury's are now churning along at ~67GHs. The BFL isn't as loud as I thought it would be, but will still remove the casing at the weekend to …
It doesn't cost much to buy a dedicated ASIC, which will give your more hashes per second than your CPU or GPU would ever be able to do. Plus it will enable you to use your computer still.
Also, apart from the home page, you appear to have lost the columns for your banner icons. Why don't you use the same php code to show the default page layout across the whole web site?
A messagebox poped up on the screen plus I couldn't see any devices in the /dev directory and the blue numbers against the Furies on the powered USB hub were off.
Firstly, the OS had decided to close USB devices due to them drawing too much power! Odd one that, as all the miners are in a USB3.0 9 port powered hub. Anyway, I eventually got them back by a Mac Sleep followed by a Mac Restart. That got them ba…
Activity Monitor doesn't show any spare cgminer or bfgminer processes running. Tried restarting mining a few times, nothing! I'll reboot, and see if that helps...