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How do I know what to do.

edited March 2014 in General
I am a TOTAL newbie with this. i want to buy a better computer with bitcoins and I have a macbook. so yeah, I want to get started, I downloaded the mining software and made the account and entered my bitcoin address, but how do I know when i get payed and how? I mean, will it send me an email or what?


  • What equipment are you using for mining bitcoin?  If you don't have ASIC devices then forget mining, instead buy a few bitcoins and wait for the price to rise.  If you do get an ASIC device, or a few of them, then join a mining pool and you will then be able to set the amount of BTC mined at which your payout is triggered.  I have my payout level set at 0.1 BTC, you will then be able to follow the BTC credit you are awarded and the BTC paid into your wallet.

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