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Getting Zeusminer Blizzard Scrypt ASICS To Work With MacMiner

I've used MacMiner for a few months now since I got into crypto. I just got a batch 1 order of ZeusMiner Blizzard scrypt ASICS but I'm pretty much clueless on how to get MacMiner to recognize them and get mining. I've been trying things all day with no luck.

Is it even possible? Would love some info to get me going. With Blizzards now shipping I'm sure many people are going to want to know.


  • Thanks for the heads up. There's a special version of cgminer for the devices linked from this page

    I'll look at compiling it when I get a chance!
  • Really struggling to get the Zeusminer running on Mac. The file on that link doesn't appear to do anything. Can anyone offer any suggestions? Sorry, totally new to this
  • Do you know when Zeusminer support will be added to Mac Miner? This would really help me out. Thanks.
  • Are you running 10.9 and did you try the cgminer for Mac file there? That wasn't there at the time of my original post. I have time I'll give it a shot compiling for 10.7+ tonight.
  • edited June 2014
    Thanks for your reply. yes i'm running 10.9. I have tried the file from the Zeusminer website but i keep getting errors. At the risk of sounding stupid, what do i need to do with the file from Zeusminer? I'm clearly missing something.
  • Plug the zeusminer in then open the Terminal, drag the folder that contains the cgminer executable in to the terminal after typing 
    cd stand for change directory and it puts the Terminal in that folder

    press enter then type
    ./cgminer -o -u username -p password
  • it just says "-bash: cd/Users/Goeshi/Downloads/cgminer: No such file or directory"
  • edited June 2014
    I moved the file and now it acknowledges the directory but returns this on the next line "-bash: ./cgminer: No such file or directory"
  • Hi are yous still having trouble with setting up your blizzards.  I just received mine today and have managed to get it setup on my mac, but based on the windows,  I downloaded Virtualbox and setup windows on my mac, then used the instructions based on the website (using cgiminer ver 1.5), I know this is the long way round, but better to get them started now and then work out better later

    hope it helps
  • Did you try running the Mac cgminer? It should result in the same experience. Would be great to have someone who knows Terminal to check this, I don't have a device to test! Nonetheless, should find it's way in to the GUI soon.
  • edited June 2014
    Also, instead of trying to cd in Terminal, open a new Terminal window, drag the the cgminer binary itself (a black file called cgminer with no file extension) in to the Terminal so it shows it's path, then add

    -o pool -u user -p pass

    so it's like 

    /path/to/cgminer -o pool -u user -p pass
  • The problem I had with the mac cgminer is that one of the libraries says it needs a higher version

    dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libcurl.4.dylib

      Referenced from: /Users/sam/Desktop/ZEUSMINER_cgminer_mac_ox_x86_64

      Reason: Incompatible library version: ZEUSMINER_cgminer_mac_ox_x86_64 requires version 8.0.0 or later, but libcurl.4.dylib provides version 7.0.0

    Trace/BPT trap: 5

    from what I have found online about it is there has been a minor change or the library file (a revision number or something), so we need the actual library file from zeus.  but no contact with zeus customer support via email and they no longer come on the forums
  • Yeah it looks familiar sorry guys wait a little while and I'll provide a binary for 10.7+ with the required libraries! If you want to make this version work you can use the install_name_tool to change /opt/local/lib/libcurl.4.dylib to use the version in MacMiner with the path to that like /Applications/
  • sweet az, I'm not to worried as I have a controller arriving in the next couple days, thought I would come and see if I can help  here,  bit late now so going to bed, but will try your suggestion tomorrow and report back 
  • I think I got it working I am just testing it out now, will get back to you soon
  • edited June 2014
    Alright this is what I did 
    Installed homebrew
    In terminal copy and paste 
    then once installed
    brew doctor
    then installed another build of cgminer with proper libraries
    in terminal 
    brew tap nwoolls/xgminer && brew install bfgminer

    Then in terminal I dragged and dropped ZEUSMINER_cgminer_mac_ox_x86_64  adding -o server:port -u username -p password

    The problem I am having now is that it does't recognise the miner, this could be 1 of 2 problems
    1 the files I installed don't match the code for zeusminer_cgminer
    or 2 I need to work out how to tell it which port to use -s in windows you see what com port you are using -s zeus:\.\\com3 not sure on mac (I'm guessing this might be problem), will continue looking, maybe someone else could point me in the right direction
  • The latest cgminers auto detect though may not be the case with this version, try adding -S all to the start command - have you found the device's path?
  • Oh, I'm pretty sure you need to install these drivers first if you haven't already

  • edited June 2014
    yeah I have that driver installed, the cgminer is an old version, so doesn't auto detect will need to use -s, I didn't get onto it tonight, but will get onto it again tomorrow, I think the code will go something like -S zeus:/dev/ttyUSB0  (which is from the linux start code)
  • the -s code is required on the windows and linux versions so I take its the same here
  • that's just the same on Mac as linux, run ls -l /dev/cu.* and the device should show up there :)
  • cool than for the code, I'm actually not a programmer or anything I'm just learning how to use linux now

     -s /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART is the code, but still says it can't find the miner

    Someone put up a linux version of BFGminer 4.1.99 zeus 
    to install on mac run terminal (you need brew installed I think)
    Make a directory (either normally or mkdir dir_name)
    cd dir_name
    git clone
    cd bfgminer
    chmod +x ./configure
    ./configure CFLAGS="-O3" --enable-scrypt

    It starts up ok, but can't find the miner still, but works with my gpu, its 1:30am so night from me, but will hopefully work it out tomorrow. and again thank you for your help fabulouspanda
  • and another thing for the guys n girls that have the blizzards is I'm getting between 2900kh/s and 3200kh/s on my 2 blizzards (running on windows, figures from the pool not cgminer) running clock speed of 340, 328 is what zeus initially advised, above that I was getting to many HW

    the figures on the windows and linux versions of the cgminer that zeus put out are incorrect (mine says 1 blizzard is running at 7 mh/s and the other 9 mh/s)
  • edited June 2014
    I've actually found some instructions to use if you can't find the device on the usb ports, so will try that tomorrow, hopefully that will work

  • I'm still struggling with getting the miners recognised too. Making progress, but far too slow. Do you know when Zeusminers will be included in the native app? I miss the GUI :-)
  • Hi, So I have had no luck getting them recognised on a mac (I've done everything I could think of), but the good news is that terry and Customer support seem to be back online, so email or and they should be able to give you instructions on what to do

    When you get instructions could you post them here or litecointalk thread so other ppl don't have the same issues

    Hope you get them running soon 

    I'll check back here or pm me on litecointalk (same username) if there is anything else I might be able to help out
  • edited June 2014
    hey everyone, is anyone online right now that has all the stuff installed that I previously mentioned, I haven't currently got a mac system setup and will take a few hours, but I think I may have found some info on that might help

    I found something on the slabs website that might help. according to the slabs website the -s code should be -s /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART  Which is slightly different then what it says in ls -l /dev/cu.*

    Could someone try that out and report back
  • edited June 2014
    where you see tty.* and cu.* they're talking about the same devices in multiple locations but you almost certainly want to use cu.* not tty - no harm trying both though and you can also run ls -l /dev/tty.* to check on that one. I've never seen tty.* work for mining though.

    I think the problem is most likely to do with the flags we're using (e.g. -S zeus:all or -S zeus:/dev/cu.minerid) - definitely worth trying a few variations there.
  • yeah I tried -S zeus:all and zeus:/dev/cu.Slab_USBtoUART but both didn't work.  So I went through the si labs documents and forums and other people have had this problem, I don't know if it was mining specific (Def Mac specific), but they were told to use /dev/tty.slab_USBtoUART.  Also the code for linux that every one in the forums uses is ttyUSB0 so I thought it was worth a try.  Just installing a new Mac OS on my computer and will try it out

    Will try that -s zeus:/dev/cu.minerid also

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