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Dark Coin x11 algorithm

edited March 2015 in Support
This a new thread from ORIGINAL
since it wouldn't let me reply.

So I'm also trying to mine some dark coin. Panda dark coin currently does not support OSX through minerd at least. I spent almost 8 hours online trying to compile and put together and run binaries that wouldn't work, then I forgot where I read that its currently only windows and linux.

Then came across this post. Panda I tried doing what you said and this is what I kept getting. If you are able to do this I think you will be the first DarkCoin OSX mine script.

-MacBook-Pro:~ vala$ /Applications/ -o stratum+tcp:// -u alecmerkel.lebron -p lebron6 --algorithm darkcoin

[07:09:51] Started sgminer 4.1.153-167-g0e68-dirty
[07:09:51] Started sgminer 4.1.153-167-g0e68-dirty
[07:09:51] WARNING: GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT is not specified!
[07:09:51] WARNING: GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS is not specified!Abort trap: 6 
-MacBook-Pro:~ vlla$ 

It seems that it's wanting to run on the GPU which is not desired for Darkcoin. I went ahead and disabled the GPU and then it did this

-MacBook-Pro:~ valeriemansilla$ /Applications/ -o stratum+tcp:// -u alecmerkel.lebron -p lebron6 --algorithm darkcoin --disable-gpu
-MacBook-Pro:~ villa$ 

It wouldn't even respond.

Any help is welcome. Hopefully you get something from this as well


  • I was curious as a lot of the drivers had a lot of warnings generated, I'll try a new backend! Thanks for the report. 
  • I tried specifying the GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT to avoid the issue above, and got this (top command is what I tried)

    localhost:~ davidamalanina$ /applications/ -o -u mitokia.kiamito -p 801361 --algorithm darkcoin -GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=50

    [22:46:13] /applications/ -U: No semicolon separated quota;URL pair found

    Any ideas? 

  • that's confusing. it's surely not the case that dark coin mining requires multiple URLs? the only other thing I can think is that somehow the username is confusing it
  • edited May 2014
    After doing a bit of research, it seems that nobody's really gotten the darkcoin kernel to compile and mine properly on osx yet, not too sure where to go from there.

    (I also tried replacing the --algorithm command with -k as specified on a few other sites, got the same result) 

    Can't get CPU miners available at github to work either...
  • i'll have a look at the kernel code but don't get your hopes up - it's not a language i speak!
  • Im in the exact same situation as David, tried for days with both the CPU and GPU miners that are available. They run great on windows, but Mac is dead in the water as far as mining x11 at the moment.
  • edited May 2014
    There's new source code for the optimised 40% faster version of SPH miner (based on sgminer) just been posted here

    Do you think we might have better luck compiling this code?

    I have no idea where to start trying to compile it myself, unfortunately. Maybe use Fink or something.

    I'm getting the same 
    WARNING: GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT is not specified!
     WARNING: GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS is not specified!Abort trap: 6 

    error as Alec btw...

    Can't wait to start mining DKC on OSX! I believe in you Panda! 
  • I'd be very interested in a Mac OS X version of this SPH miner too. Any chance you can pull this off Panda?
  • I had a very quick look at this last night before passing out and the initial signs were that it needs significant modification before playing nice. The corrections to the autogen file are fine, but we'll see where it goes from there - I'm hoping to give that a shot later today!
  • edited May 2014
    I got run replacing the --algorithm command with -k followed by X11, like /sgminer -k X11 ...
    But my gpu is an Intel HD 4600 so it doesn't work. Could you mr FabulousPanda update cpuminer to mining darkcoin too? Thank you!

    (sorry about my english)
  • edited March 2015
    See the latest version of sgminer compiled not yet in a released version you can hack in to use at the command line in the latest post here

    I'll have another go at the cpu miner, but it wasn't going too well later that other day I said I'd give it a try :S
  • also, you can ignore 
    WARNING: GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT is not specified!
     WARNING: GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS is not specified!

    as long as it doesn't then quit on you

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