This a new thread from ORIGINAL it wouldn't let me reply.
So I'm also trying to mine some dark coin. Panda dark coin currently does not support OSX through minerd at least. I spent almost 8 hours online trying to compile and put together and run binaries that wouldn't work, then I forgot where I read that its currently only windows and linux.
Then came across this post. Panda I tried doing what you said and this is what I kept getting. If you are able to do this I think you will be the first DarkCoin OSX mine script.
-MacBook-Pro:~ vala$ /Applications/ -o stratum+tcp:// -u alecmerkel.lebron -p lebron6 --algorithm darkcoin
[07:09:51] Started sgminer 4.1.153-167-g0e68-dirty
[07:09:51] Started sgminer 4.1.153-167-g0e68-dirty
[07:09:51] WARNING: GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT is not specified!
[07:09:51] WARNING: GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS is not specified!Abort trap: 6
-MacBook-Pro:~ vlla$
It seems that it's wanting to run on the GPU which is not desired for Darkcoin. I went ahead and disabled the GPU and then it did this
-MacBook-Pro:~ valeriemansilla$ /Applications/ -o stratum+tcp:// -u alecmerkel.lebron -p lebron6 --algorithm darkcoin --disable-gpu
-MacBook-Pro:~ villa$
It wouldn't even respond.
Any help is welcome. Hopefully you get something from this as well
localhost:~ davidamalanina$ /applications/ -o -u mitokia.kiamito -p 801361 --algorithm darkcoin -GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=50
[22:46:13] /applications/ -U: No semicolon separated quota;URL pair found
Any ideas?