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Newbie Question About Payouts

Hey Panda,

I'm new to mining.  I've been mining about about a day now.  I can see myself as an active miner under LTC with the name whiplashtony at about 58 khs. 

My Litecoin wallet looks like it is finally synced, but I haven't seen any payouts even though I've seen two block today.  I can't see my wallet address or miner name on the payout pages either. 

Can you let me know if I'm set up correctly.   Payment just automatically happen according to your thresholds as long as I have my litecoin address in the legacy configuration settings?   I didn't see anywhere else to enter the wallet info in macminer.  

Thanks for any help in advance!  I have a lot of computers laying around that need to be put to work :P

- Tony


  • Are you using the FP P2Pool node? I don't recommend it for slower/newer miners, as it works better when you're mining at higher speeds, and P2Pool is one of the more technical options for mining and without writing an essay any explanation I give of it here would be insufficient. If you do want to press on with P2Pool though, you use your reward address for username and password.
  • Thanks Panda!  

    I updated my settings to my reward address LMcvWk4h826W5aEAsTtnrKdwnmShBFLCbs

    I'm not even sure how to answer if I'm using FP P2PPool node.  I'm using your MacMiner client and definitely selected in the pool settings.  I get about 45Kh CPU mining your pool on a 2008 mac pro, but I can 350Mh mining Bitcoin  in Slush's pool on the ATI Radeon HD 5870.   I can't get it to work GPU mining on this same pool.  It just hangs.  

    I had a couple computers lying around but it doesn't look like CPU mining on Macs is going to make me rich anytime soon. 

    I'm getting my feet wet before considering appropriate hardware.  I know I'm late to the party but I just wanted to see if I could understand all this - I'd be lucky to make a couple dollars per month.  Most importantly it's been fun.

    You can keep all that whiplashtony processing power for a day - but don't spend that penny all in once place now.

    Thanks for the quick response!

  • Yeah that's the P2Pool node. BTC and LTC mining are really ASIC dominated these days, but you could look in to mining some of the other coins, maybe quark coin as there are so many and it's easy to CPU mine, or dark coin.

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