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help with mobileminer

edited March 2014 in General
Hi ya'll - 1st off - great software :)

I have a jalapeno and a SC hooked up via USB and mining great - I want to monitor the setup with my mobile miner software - but can't get it to show anything.

It says it will show the output of the API window - but i can't get that to show anything either!

It says add a networked device with IP and Port.... ummm....

How do I find that if I just use the regular mac miner software? I just put in my slushs pool info and go - I don't have an IP and port for this...

So once I figure out how to add a networked miner as it says or at least get the api window showing info then maybe it will show on my mobileminer app?

Thanks for your help!

Once that is done, I'd love to know if I can monitor my 2 antminer s1's as well... but for now want to get the macminer software api window showing output and get mobile miner working to monitor.



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