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MacMiner not mining?

edited March 2014 in Support
Ok, so I finally downloaded MacMiner, hoping for it to work. It didn't. Here is the code to what has been repeating a lot of times:

 [2014-03-27 15:40:00] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update                    

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

 [2014-03-27 15:40:09] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update

 [2014-03-27 15:40:09] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update                    

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

 [2014-03-27 15:40:14] New block: ...db49a1e0 #538661 diff 5.42k (38.81Gh/s)

 [2014-03-27 15:40:14] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

 [2014-03-27 15:40:14] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block     

At one point it says there is a new block, but what happens now? Someone help me please!


  • I have also tried re-starting this app. It still doesn't work!
  • Looks like it does not find any miners. What miners do you use and in what window do you mine (FPGA/CPU/GPU/CG)?
  • That would make sense.. Unfortunately I am new this business and I do not know how to add any miners. I just pressed the "start" button. Do you know how?
  • What Mac are you using? Most likely your GPU won't support mining, in which case you can use the CPU window
  • I am currently using a Macbook Pro, 13-inch, Mid 2012. I have a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 processor, with 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 of memory. My graphics card: Intel HD Graphics 4000 512 MB. Any suggestions? 
  • I am currently using a Macbook Pro, 13-inch, Mid 2012. I have a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 processor, with 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 of memory. My graphics card: Intel HD Graphics 4000 512 MB. Any suggestions? 

  • Now it says this:

     [2014-04-06 12:21:57] /Users/orion01px2018/Downloads/ -c: JSON decode of file '/Users/orion01px2018/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf' failed

     '[' or '{' expected near end of file

     [2014-04-06 12:21:57] /Users/orion01px2018/Downloads/ -c: JSON decode of file '/Users/orion01px2018/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf' failed

     '[' or '{' expected near end of file                    

  • that says either a pool hasn't been setup for BTC or something went wrong so set up the pool again

    use the view menu to get to the cpu window and use that, you can't GPU mine with intel HD 

  • [2014-04-10 12:38:44] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0

    [2014-04-10 12:38:44] Binding thread 2 to cpu 2

    [2014-04-10 12:38:44] 4 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.

    [2014-04-10 12:38:44] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1

    [2014-04-10 12:38:44] Binding thread 3 to cpu 3

    [2014-04-10 12:39:15] HTTP request failed: Connection timed out after 30029 milliseconds

    [2014-04-10 12:39:15] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds

    [2014-04-10 12:40:15] HTTP request failed: Connection timed out after 30030 milliseconds

    [2014-04-10 12:40:15] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds

    [2014-04-10 12:41:15] HTTP request failed: Connection timed out after 30030 milliseconds

    [2014-04-10 12:41:15] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds

    [2014-04-10 12:42:15] HTTP request failed: Connection timed out after 30028 milliseconds

    [2014-04-10 12:42:15] json_rpc_call failed, retry after 30 seconds

    Now what? 

  • If the connection problems there are preventing your from mining switch pools
  • Now I am confused. There's this username and password thing, and I have no idea what it is on other pools.
    For a favor, can you please guide me through specific steps on how to do this thing, from the beginning!?
  • what pool are you using? If you want to quick test you can set up 


    use BTC address for user/password


    use LTC address for user/password

    visit the graphs page on the relevant website and click 'graphs' then look for your reward address on that page to see a graph for your miner.

    The pool isn't great for smaller miners but for troubleshooting it's great because I'm running it!
  • where i can find my reward address?
  • In your wallet or on your pool account.
  • FabulousPanda, I have done what you said. I now see these things. Is this normal?

    2014-04-25 23:47:21] Stratum detected new block

    [2014-04-25 23:47:21] thread 0: 13092 hashes, 4.27 khash/s

    [2014-04-25 23:47:21] thread 1: 13548 hashes, 4.42 khash/s

    [2014-04-25 23:47:21] thread 2: 13332 hashes, 4.35 khash/s

    [2014-04-25 23:47:21] thread 3: 13452 hashes, 4.38 khash/s

    [2014-04-25 23:47:31] stratum_recv_line failed

    [2014-04-25 23:47:31] Stratum connection interrupted

    [2014-04-25 23:47:31] thread 2: 45312 hashes, 4.54 khash/s

    [2014-04-25 23:47:31] thread 3: 44700 hashes, 4.48 khash/s

    [2014-04-25 23:47:31] thread 0: 44868 hashes, 4.50 khash/s

    [2014-04-25 23:47:31] thread 1: 44196 hashes, 4.43 khash/s

    [2014-04-25 23:47:32] Stratum detected new block

    [2014-04-25 23:47:33] Stratum detected new block

    [2014-04-25 23:47:35] Stratum detected new block

  • If it helps, the application shows my KH was 0 the whole time
  • It'll show 0 till it solves a share which can be a long time CPU mining as it's so slow unfortunately! Try a lower difficulty pool or coin
  • It'll show 0 till it solves a share which can be a long time CPU mining as it's so slow unfortunately! Try a lower difficulty pool or coin
    how do you change the difficulty pool or coin???
  • Difficulty is set by your pool, with more popular coins it'll tend to be higher, if you click the little cog button on any of the miners you can get the settings including which coin to mine

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