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CPU mining with Macminer hash x-11

edited April 2014 in Support
I'm mining in a cpu pool on dark coin using my desktop Mac using MacMiner. It worked for about 2 weeks then nothing.
I contacted the pool and they asked me to check if MacMiner sends the shares and is it sending the correct shares (hash: x11)
anyone know how I can check to see if MacMiner is sending and sending x11?


  • I'm not so sure what that means, can you link the pool please?  also please post the output from the miner and let's see whether it looks healthy.

    [2014-03-08 23:04:45] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://

    [2014-03-08 23:04:45] 4 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] Failed to get Stratum session id

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] Stratum difficulty set to 0.0078125

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: job_id='1139' extranonce2=00000000 ntime=531bf662

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] Stratum detected new block

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   0001325bce8a136881cf4c167da35cbfc72fb822bedbf831d788eccf6d538454

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   00685bd5637bb635022084eace2342a35ce1df8c65ffb28769653ab8f54326ab

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   00017d75e0e5aa33401729add5569befec4165ff18522361ae37d1b4dd891177

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   00225f1c4d6e9eefd9116bf6ee413d33a2e9242df37665de4ce0f0d9e85bb5d6

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   00512be1eb35a0076ae603e3ae4fce98e9848d936f729a8956400e57d14a781f

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   0006c4f214f5449ce6ac81941e9f432f4bad11081fb487c6dc2e19dae9f67147

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   003a2003379baf3837215ff75ed8fb6350e6629ea825d51778c20814f1166bc7

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   003c870c78d555ab1f1a3a40a28e3b76f88b3b288e193d2fae35d2ca6685daa5

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   005e4e7969bf0c0d06174da3c2b599a3838d6a09b2212c15cffbfe2597be9bd4

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   005ea3d5984151c010ed2941874d5ff0f72d4beadbd347974657f28a539819a9

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:46] DEBUG: hash <= target

    Hash:   007990714c800afa5fd1d855047ee76dce90d3b92be47315c4ae662042a9118f

    Target: 007fff8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    [2014-03-08 23:04:47] DEBUG: reject reason: Share is above target

    [2014-03-08 23:04:47] DEBUG: hash <= target

  • It looks as though it uses an algorithm unsupported by MacMiner - I'll look in to supporting that, did they change it or did it break in a new version of MacMiner or what?
  • I downloaded MacMiner on 2-24-14 after about 2-3 hours I had about 200 accepted shares
    Then it crashed, after re-launching, it never worked the same, I would have to re launch after every 1,800 to 2,500 threads, now my dashboard in the pool doesn't even detect it.
    I could send you the 2-24-14 log from my crash reporter from the Mac library if that can help.

    The report is big so it would be best to email if you wish to see it, just need an email address

    I have no idea if they changed anything, the getting started link I sent you is the same as when I signed up for the pool
  • oh dear! Please do send the crash report to john at fabulous panda dot co dot uk

    It might be worth deleting 
    /Users/username/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/

    to reset MacMiner
  • Just wondering if you had time to research the data I sent you to see if you could make CPU MacMiner work In Darkcoin
  • I got the x11 miner compiled so it'll be in the next update :)
  • Thanks FabulousPanda!

    I also need this sooo badly! Thanks for what you are doing for us.

    Is there any beta version that is working with x11 miner available already?

  • Thank you, look forward to update, I hope what I sent was helpful
  • Please give this a shot for now:

    unzip that and put it in any recent MacMiner at

    then run like 

    /Path/To/ -o -u username -p password 

    and add to that --algorithm <arg> i.e: --algorithm darkcoin

    use --help for more info like set intensity with -I <arg> where <arg> is a number between 8 and 31 (higher will freeze up your Mac!)
  • Hi FabulousPanda,

    I've tried but this is the message:

    dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../../curl/lib/libcurl.4.dylib

      Referenced from: /Applications/

      Reason: Incompatible library version: sgminer requires version 8.0.0 or later, but libcurl.4.dylib provides version 7.0.0

    Trace/BPT trap: 5

  • it needs to be in /Resources/sgminer/bin/sgminer
  • It hangs in 

    [12:37:43] Started sgminer 4.1.153-167-g0e68-dirty

    [12:37:43] Started sgminer 4.1.153-167-g0e68-dirty

    [12:37:43] WARNING: GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT is not specified!

    [12:37:43] WARNING: GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS is not specified!

    I've made an script with 



    ./sgminer --kernel darkcoin -o stratum+tcp:// -u username -p password -I 15

  • My mistake.
    It's export, not set...
    I've copied my windows script.
  • Now, that's an error.

    sgminer 4.1.153-167-g0e68-dirty - Started: [2014-06-01 12:50:36]

    [P]ool management [G]PU management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit

    (5s):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s | A:0.00  R:0.00  HW:0  WU:0.000/m

    ST: 2  SS: 0  NB: 1  LW: 32  GF: 0  RF: 0

    Connected to (stratum) diff 0.004 as user xxxxxxx

    Block: b0083cba...  Diff:341M  Started: [12:50:36]  Best share: 0


    GPU 0:               | OFF   / 0.000 | A:0.00 R:0.00 (0.0%) HW:0 WU:0.000/m I:15


    [12:48:30] Started sgminer 4.1.153-167-g0e68-dirty

    [12:48:30] Building binary darkcoinATI Radeon HD 5770glg2tc1984nf10w256l8.bin

    [12:50:35] Initialising kernel without bitalign, unpatched BFI

    [12:50:35] Probing for an alive pool

    [12:50:36] difficulty changed to 0.004

    [12:50:36] Network diff set to 341M

    [12:50:36] Error: clSetKernelArg of all params failed.

    [12:50:36] GPU 0 failure, disabling!

  • Please see my post here with a working x11 cpuminer (some techheadedness required)

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