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2 USB ASIC Miners 2 Different pools

edited March 2014 in Support
I am wondering how to go about what the title suggests.

I have 2 BFL Jalapenos and want to use 1 for 1 pool and the other for the second pool of my choice.

Currently in the advance settings I have -S all and not sure if it is even picking up on the second jalapeno I have plugged in.

Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.



  • edited March 2014
    Hey Nathan,

    You shouldn't need to even set -S all - it sets -S bfl:all by default if the bfl button is checked. 

    To use them separately you need to identify their location so open up Terminal and type 

    ls -l /dev/cu*

    you should have two devices like /dev/cu.usbserial-FTWILM

    So to use one on it's own uncheck all those tick boxes for device detection and use 

    -S bfl:/dev/cu.usbserial-FTWILM

    To use the other with a different pool the easiest thing to do using MacMiner would be to start one with one set up then reconfigure and start another using the GPU and FPGA/ASIC windows - I'll be making that easier in future! Otherwise of course you could always run one of the processes at the command line.

    I experimented with adding a config file or a pool to the manual flags but it adds it as a secondary priority to the ones MacMiner is already using unfortunately.
  • Oh also to check if your devices are all working, just open up the API Output window - you should see them all there!

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