So I was playing with settings when I first installed 1.5.8e and had it log into my mobileminer account.
I deleted that install, the plist file and the directory under Library...etc.
I reinstalled and I have it setup to use MaxCoin and CPU. But, I still see notifications in Mobileminer about the botched install device. (bitcoin)
I've deleted this device several times from my android and using the website (HTML5), but, MacMiner is still reporting in. (only CPU mining is going on)
My Macbook Pro is reporting correctly (because maybe I setup that right the first time?)
Do I need to reboot/powercycle something to clear it out?
How do I disable or delete the GPU entry from within MacMiner so that it stops "ghosts" from getting updated into MobileMiner?
How do I ensure a completely "clean" install so that I don't have the bogus config laying around?