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bfgminer killing other USB devices sporadically

I have several USB serial devices connected, and recently (since updating to MacMiner 1.5, but not sure if it started exactly when I made the switch) my other apps have started dying - losing connection to their hardware. This does not happen every time, I can't figure out a 100% repro for it.

In the FPGA options window I have unselected all of the 'auto detect' boxes and added -S /dev/cu.usbserial-FTWWMIYE as my manual flag. 

This used to work, but now I'm seeing lines like the following in the log windows

 [2014-01-29 22:08:39] /dev/cu.usbserial-04VT0EH5 is already in use by another process

or with debug on

[2014-01-29 22:13:07] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:253:007 (path=(null), vid=0403, pid=6014, manuf=Butterfly Labs, prod=BitFORCE SHA256 SC, serial=FTWWMIYE)

 [2014-01-29 22:13:07] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:253:006 (path=(null), vid=2109, pid=2812, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))

 [2014-01-29 22:13:07] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:253:005 (path=(null), vid=0403, pid=6001, manuf=RFXCOM, prod=RFXrec433, serial=04VT0EH5)

 [2014-01-29 22:13:07] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:253:004 (path=(null), vid=2109, pid=2812, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))

 [2014-01-29 22:13:07] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:253:003 (path=(null), vid=05ac, pid=8242, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))

 [2014-01-29 22:13:07] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:253:002 (path=(null), vid=0424, pid=2513, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))

 [2014-01-29 22:13:07] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:253:001 (path=(null), vid=05ac, pid=8006, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))

 [2014-01-29 22:13:07] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:250:005 (path=(null), vid=0403, pid=6001, manuf=FTDI, prod=FT232R USB UART, serial=A900ex4h)

These scans coorespond to my other apps losing connections to their hardware, resetting the interfaces, getting out of sync, etc (some home automation hardware, some weather hardware, some communications stuff…)


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