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Add Networked Miner doesn't work [ASICMiner Cube]

edited January 2014 in Support
Hi all

I'm new here. I installed the MacMiner program which is really nice. I habe a ASICMiner Block Erupter Cube (30GH/s) attached over the network and changed the config to the new IP Adress ( I can access the cube from my iMac over the network, no Problem. 

in MacMiner I found on the API Output Window the 'Add Networked Miner' option, clicked it and added '', but it doesn't show on the screen and FPGA/ASIC Miner doesn't find my Miner. 

Can anyone help how can I run a networked Miner with MacMiner please ?
is Port 8000 correct to mine or is it just to configure ? What would be correct ?

Thanks for your suggestions and help.



  • Hey Sapguru,

    I don't think the Cube runs cgminer or bfgminer and thus can't be monitored that way - if you can it would most likely be on port 4028 - you'd have to clear network miners first to remove any broken ones.

    One way you can monitor it is to start the FPGA/ASIC window with the manual flag --http-port 9332

    Then use the LAN address of the machine running MacMiner and port 9332 as your pool server on the cube, and it'll route everything through MacMiner and show up in the app.

  • John, you just made my day!! Thanks a lot, I spend hours, after your comment, it's working fine... (I even installed a stratum proxy for mac, I was so desperate).

    I have configured it like you suggested, the cube points to the machine running MacMiner, Port 9332. MacMiner listens on 9332 and itself posts to BTCGuild:3333, great! I see the work in the FPGA/ASIC Miner Window and even in the API Output. 

    I have two questions, which are not clear to me: 

    1.) Monday I'll get a second Cube, how can I setup this one and connect to the same FPGA/ASIC Miner, so I just need one machine running it ?
    2.) I put the clock up so it should bring 38GH/s theoretically.. but it 'only' does 29GH/s - 32GH/s... are there options I could adjust to get all the speed ?

    Thanks a lot for an answer.

  • Awesome, glad to hear it! Sorry I wasn't around sooner. 

    You can use any more Cubes just the same way and they'll all go through MacMiner

    When you put the clock up did the speed change at all, and what speed was it at before?
  • Hi John

    don't worry, I'm happy that it works now... thanks for the instructions, so I can just install the next one exactly the same way and FPGA will give him work to do too .. great!

    About the speed, I have three numbers and made one mistake.. ok first of all I have to say that 8 of the 96 chips, stopped working (marked as an 'x')... don't know if they will recuperate if I would turn the cube off and on, I'll see that later as I have to move the whole installation from the office down to the cellar. 

    About the speed, I checked on BTCGuild without realizing that this was an average speed... that one kept increasing... at the moment it shows 33.02GH/s.. (it's overclocked)... then of the config page of the cube it shows 33'148MH/s... and finally the FPGA Miner says between 33GH/s and 39GH/s... but I think it's fine like that... 

    I thought I ask if there would be some manual flags to give in and maybe adjust/speed up the whole thing a bit... 

    Thanks a lot

  • I asked luke-jr who programs bfgminer about it and it's a problem with one of the libraries it uses - if you can get Slush's stratum proxy going that should be a bit faster
  • Hi I'm a newbie experiencing similar problems with the setup of a cube on my MacBook Pro. I was just wondering if the setup you guys are talking about will still generate bitcoins when I turn off my MacBook?
  • No, the ASICMINER Cube must be connected to a proxy run on another machine I'm afraid!
  • The ASICMiner Block Erupter Cube can be run without a proxy but it used the getwork protocol thus will mine at about half top speed. One pool that will work this way is, I'm sure there are others. I have tried this and it worked. You might setup the Primary to the Mac and MacMiner and the Backup directly to a pool.

    Note: I am a Newbie to mining, just learning.
  • Good point, you can connect directly to a pool via getwork but it will very much limit the speed

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