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Noob help with payout & other questions.

edited January 2014 in Support
ok, I've been mining @ aprox 50kh for about 20hrs and have yet to receive a payout. I'm using the CPUminer for Ltc.  if this is normal let me know. i'm also using BTC-E,  so maybe its a delay on a new account? I have several other questions. I tried to find myself address in the pool, but got a not found on network message.
My address: LTAdRipQa474diUXpLuDWNLAeiFpjWKhzZ 
What is the UN and password purpose on the pool? can someone explain how/why /where on the password login? there is no login or account creation on the pools page, and when I look at the settings, my address has appeared in both fields.
are there more detailed instructions somewhere to set up a ltc miner?
once I get this issue squared away, I will be using several MAc Pros to mine during downtime. can I use the same address for each one or do I need to generate a new one? what is the best way to use multiple machines? all but one are running 10.7 the other is running 10.6 
sorry if this has been asked a million times but I'm not sure if i'm set up right. 
thanks in advance.


  • You should definitely use a wallet like Litecoin-Qt for mining, something downloaded to your computer, some online wallets have problems with mining. 

    LTAdRipQa474diUXpLuDWNLAeiFpjWKhzZ is not showing up much on the graphs page of the pool, are you still mining?

    Under about 100Gh you might want to use a more conventional pool, it would be worth reading in to P2Pool at
  • OK, I Downloaded that wallet and fired off two machines at the p2pool in the software.
    New address is LVtqqZnZg1UxFsuTP28P1x5r65CB9wBGnE. I'll let them cycle for a few hours to see if anything happens.

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