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Different Overclock settings for different Antminers?


I am wondering if I can set different over clock settings for each Antminer U1 I have installed? I have one miner that produces lots of hardware errors at the 0981 setting, but the other two do not, so I'd like to run them fast. You may have already answered this somewhere, just too noob to see it! 

Thanks for MacMiner — Best miner out there!!


  • Hey, thanks!

    At the moment the best way to do this would be to set up the one miner that wants to be run at a lower clock in the BFG Miner window with the manual flag -S /dev/cu.pathtodevice and to start that window before starting the FPGA/ASIC window. Then to monitor the BFG window in API Output window also add manual flags 

    --api-listen --api-allow W:0/0 --api-port 4048

    then in API window 'add networked miner' and enter
  • Ah, excellent! I had ordered two Antminers, and the supplier only sent one. Once I contacted him, he was going to rush ship the second, with a bonus. I think the bonus is the crippled Antminer. Better slow than no, no?

    Thanks again for your help!
  • Well, I've been experimenting with your suggestion on isolating the wonky miner, and I am able to do it, but I wonder why, without moving the miners on the USB ports, they change device position every time I start MacMiner. For instance, the wonky one will be at PGA0, then at next program start, PGA1, then PGA6, etc.

    Even the /cu.pathtodevice has this problem. Any ideas? I'm running them on a Satechi 12-port USB hub.

  • Hey, glad it worked! That problem annoys me as well, bfgminer assigns the devices numbers in the order in which they become active, so there will likely be a sort of pattern to it when using many device types - I'm going to clarify the Names with device labels in API Output soon

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