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Is it working?



  • Here is the start of the log:

     [2014-02-13 10:10:17] Timers: Using gettimeofday

     [2014-02-13 10:10:17] Global quota greatest common denominator set to 1

     [2014-02-13 10:10:17] setrlimit: Changed soft fd limit from 4864 to 1024 (FD_SETSIZE=1024; hard limit=unlimited)

     [2014-02-13 10:10:17] Started bfgminer 3.10.0

     [2014-02-13 10:10:17] Loaded configuration file /Users/mark/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf

     [2014-02-13 10:10:18] usb_devinfo_scan: Error getting USB string 2 (iManufacturer) from usb:021:128: LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER

     [2014-02-13 10:10:18] usb_devinfo_scan: Error getting USB string 1 (iProduct) from usb:021:128: LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER

  • Specifically around anything talking about OCL or GPU like 

     [2014-02-13 18:12:06] Started bfgminer 3.10.0

     [2014-02-13 18:12:06] Loaded configuration file /Users/admin/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf

     [2014-02-13 18:12:06] CL Platform 0 vendor: Apple

     [2014-02-13 18:12:06] CL Platform 0 name: Apple

     [2014-02-13 18:12:06] CL Platform 0 version: OpenCL 1.2 (Aug 24 2013 21:03:27)

     [2014-02-13 18:12:06] Platform 0 devices: 1

     [2014-02-13 18:12:06] 0 ATI Radeon HD 5770

     [2014-02-13 18:12:06] Unable to load ati adl library

     [2014-02-13 18:12:07] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0

     [2014-02-13 18:12:07] CL Platform vendor: Apple

     [2014-02-13 18:12:07] CL Platform name: Apple

     [2014-02-13 18:12:07] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Aug 24 2013 21:03:27)

     [2014-02-13 18:12:07] List of devices:

     [2014-02-13 18:12:07] 0 ATI Radeon HD 5770

     [2014-02-13 18:12:07] Selected 0: ATI Radeon HD 5770

     [2014-02-13 18:12:07] Selecting scrypt kernel

     [2014-02-13 18:12:12] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update

     [2014-02-13 18:12:14] New block: ...b5561062 #513383 diff 2.67k (19.14Gh/s)

     [2014-02-13 18:12:14] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

     [2014-02-13 18:12:14] Initialising kernel without bitalign, 1 vectors and worksize 256

     [2014-02-13 18:12:14] initCl() finished. Found ATI Radeon HD 5770

     [2014-02-13 18:12:14] 0 cpu miner threads started, using SHA256 'scrypt' algorithm.


  • Can you screenshot your miner settings panel too please?
  • edited February 2014
    There is nothing about OCL or GPU, though I'm not sure why.  Perhaps that happens after the USB stuff if there were no error.


  • I think it'll work if you delete 500 from CPU Threads - you'll need to check use scrypt for Litecoin mining too!
  • Really odd. Try unchecking dynamic intensity? What speed did it run at when it did run?
  • No luck.  I unchecked Dynamic Intensity and set Intensity to 12.  It was around 30MH/s yesterday.
  • if not working best to set it at something low like 2 just to get it working - did you add -d 0 to manual flags? Turn off debug output too or set the log length really high in preferences!
  • I set the log length to 99999, set the intensity to 2, and added the -d 0 flag and it's still not working.  Note that the original config I sent you was working yesterday.
  • edited February 2014
    Try running 

    /Applications/ -o -u username -p pass

    in Terminal, maybe it'll give you some more information!
  • Hmm... not so much:

    / -o -u *** -p *** -D
     [2014-02-13 13:45:04] setrlimit: Changed soft fd limit from 256 to 1024 (FD_SETSIZE=1024; hard limit=unlimited)                    
     [2014-02-13 13:45:04] Started bfgminer 3.10.0

    Not showing anything in my mining pool account.  bfgminer process is running with 0 CPU%, 3 threads.
  • do you see a hash rate or GPU in the text user interface that opens up?
  • No, there's nothing.  I also double checked my mining pool account and still nothing there.
  • Just tried bfg with P2Pool for LTC and it does the same thing.. just hangs there.
  • ah sorry that one's my bad you need to add 

    -S opencl:auto

    to the launch command, if it still doesn't show an OCL/GPU device then we're back to looking at why that device is not enabled in the system like maybe the energy saver setting was for the battery not power cable or something
  • Still doesn't work.  Energy saver setting unchecked for both battery and power adapter...  :-(

    / -D -S opencl:auto -o -u *** -p ***
    [2014-02-13 14:18:19] Timers: Using gettimeofday                    
    [2014-02-13 14:18:19] Global quota greatest common denominator set to 1                    
    [2014-02-13 14:18:19] setrlimit: Changed soft fd limit from 2560 to 1024 (FD_SETSIZE=1024; hard limit=unlimited)    [2014-02-13 13:45:04] setrlimit: Changed soft fd limit from 256 to 1024 (FD_SETSIZE=1024; hard limit=unlimited)                    
    [2014-02-13 13:45:04] Started bfgminer 3.10.0

  • does it open the text user interface at all? 
  • It seems like it effectively stops at bfgminer version 3.10.0 and then doesn't print anything else afterward.

    Btw, I appreciate your working through this with me.
  • Interesting... I tried moving the bfgminder dir into /usr/local and re-running.  This is what I see now:

    dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../../curl/lib/libcurl.4.dylib

      Referenced from: /usr/local/bfgminer/bin/bfgminer

      Reason: Incompatible library version: bfgminer requires version 8.0.0 or later, but libcurl.4.dylib provides version 7.0.0

    Trace/BPT trap: 5

  • No problem, I want to know what's going on here too! It should says bfgminer 3.10, then flash a blank screen for a couple of seconds before opening the TUI. Does it just hang before the the blank screen? You could try replacing the bfgminer folder in with the 3.9 version from and see if that helps things

    I'm trying to test this in a VM but it's broken on me!

    it's linked to libraries inside so it won't work without those, you could symlink though

  • Well, the blank screen seems to show up as a bunch of blank lines before the last line.  It looks like this.

     [2014-02-13 14:58:38] Timers: Using gettimeofday                    

     [2014-02-13 14:58:38] Global quota greatest common denominator set to 1                    

     [2014-02-13 14:58:38] setrlimit: Changed soft fd limit from 2560 to 1024 (FD_SETSIZE=1024; hard limit=unlimited)                    

     [2014-02-13 14:58:38] Started bfgminer 3.10.0

  • Please try the replace with bfg 3.9 as I mentioned above - I can't seem to recreate this unfortunately.

    Have you messed around much with homebrew or macports at all?

    If you run this it should output what GPU it finds then quit:

    /Applications/ -S opencl:auto -d?

  • Well, interestingly, it's working this morning after installing 3.10 via homebrew...  I'll keep you posted!
  • Strange how it stops and starts like that. I'll redo the bfgminer in the next version whether that's updated or not!
  • crash on start up,
    after constant earlier restarts as unable to find a config file?
    now nothing. i have latest version 1.5.16b and am an absolute beginner. trying to work with rocket pool
    10.9.1 hackintosh, nvidia gtx 660

  • unable to find a config file is usually a problem where the pool hasn't been set up yet - it's in the preferences under MacMiner menu in the latest version

    I'm investigating it failing to launch a second time with the latest version, for the meantime I think deleting the file at 


    then opening the app again should fix it, please let me know how you get on? Will be updating ASAP

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