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Mining BTC only - Accepted: 2 rejected: 0 - What does this mean?

edited December 2013 in General

This is very newbie question but I'm not understanding whether I'm actually mining bit coin or not. 
I'm using my MBP and it is showing that it is generating hashes at the rate >= 25M/s and it is showing "Accepted: 2" and "Rejected:0". What does this mean?

I'm using pool - how do I check whether I have contributed to any work done by the pool and am I getting payout for it or not. Also with above speed of generating hash, am I suppose to get any payout in some time (say in weeks/months)?

Thanks in advance for answering and explaining me the above stuff.


  • edited December 2013
    That should mean it's working normally - I'd recommend Litecoin over Bitcoin though if you're CPU/GPU mining. 

    Payout information is pool specific and I'm not familiar with - you should be able to find out that on there though! I would just guess that BTC mining at that speed you'll be waiting months…

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