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MacMiner on Hackintosh with i3 8300 and GTX 1050 OC

edited October 2018 in Support

Hi, I'm trying to GPU mine with Mac Miner, but it seems the graphics card is not really that powerful. I get around 60k/h while mining with the GPU the Lyra2rev2. For the CPU i'm using Nifty Hash. I would like to know if it's normal or if there are more settings to optimize it thanks for all!


  • Settings are mostly algorithm dependent and partially GPU dependent but generally speaking the first port of call is increasing the intensity. If you duckduckgo your GPU along with the algorithm and 'hash rate' you may well find a chart/setting used by others with that card. Expect mac hash rates for GPUs to be a bit lower than running Windows/Linux as they lack the AMD drivers but for CPU it should be the same regardless of OS.

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