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Newbie Question: Am I mining?

edited December 2013 in Support
Hello, I'm a newbie with a very basic question: Am I mining?

I received my BFL 5Gh/s Jalapeno today, and I believe I've had some success with mining, as I'm currently hashing at 7.62 Gh/s, shares are being accepted, my wallet address (14SGNGuNd327Y1xkgbDnZ8KAUE5EKMnQs8) shows up on the pool graph, and my Jalapeno has gotten quite warm!  I'm running the FPGA/ASIC miner.

However, my graph stats are currently:
Total -Mean: 169MH/s Area: 14.6TH
Dead -Mean: 36.7MH/s Area: 3.17TH

If I'm supposedly mining at 7.62 Gh/s, why are those numbers so much lower? Is there something wrong, or is that normal? Are approximately 16 accepted shares and a handful of rejected shares normal over the span of an hour or two?

I'm also receiving a great deal of errors. Or, at least it looks that way. I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to be seeing. API Output is blank and reading "Socket connect failed: Connection refused." It managed to connect a single time, and showed some stats, but they never updated as I mined, and nothing else has shown since. What am I doing wrong?

Also, my output is full of phrases like "failed," "no response," "not found," "refused," and a great number of 0's. When I start up mining, it looks like this: I'm particularly curious about:
  1.  [2013-12-21 03:23:34] ModMiner detect: no response to version request from /dev/cu.usbserial-00002026
I believe that device is my miner. Does "no response" mean that something is not working, or is that how it always looks when first detecting hardware?

Here's a clip of how output looks once it gets going: I seem to be having a great deal of trouble connecting to the pool. Is that typical?

I've been looking for answers around different forums, but I'm not familiar with a lot of mining terminology yet, so I haven't had much luck searching. So... am I mining?



  • Hey, 

    The graph stats show a day by default and you haven't been mining that long which is why the average is so low, the hourly graph is better:

    You are mining normally! The API Output error is curious, can you please paste


    in the Terminal and let me know if it says Connection refused? If not it's a MacMiner bug, if so maybe a firewall problem.

    The ModMiner bug is just that it looks for that first and it's basically identifying it as BFL hardware - it's not a problem, I think it would go away if you use

    -S bfl:all

    instead of 

    -S all

    in miner settings - but I'm speculating is down at the moment though usually quite reliable but it's just one of 3 p2pool nodes so not a problem

    I hope that clears things up a bit for you!

  • Thank you! That was extremely helpful. I thought everything was working okay, but I guess the amount of negative words in the output threw me off.

    Here's what I get when I paste into Terminal:

    And, API Output is suddenly working! Although, interestingly, it's not showing the same numbers as Terminal:
  • Weird, is the API Output data refreshing every few seconds? There are a couple of instances in which the window doesn't handle unexpected data properly - it's still quite new - but it shouldn't be that buggy! 

    The output does look a little unnerving - maybe I should make some of it a bit clearer!
  • It actually doesn't seem to be refreshing at all. I assume it should be?
  • Ah. yeah sorry about that, It :: should :: start working again if you quit and reopen MacMiner - this is going to be one of the primary focuses of the next few updates.. Please do let me know of any other bugs if you run in to them!
  • Thanks so much for all of your help. I've run everything overnight now, and I seem to be mining fine. I'll definitely let you know if anything else starts working strangely.

    Thanks again!

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