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Error Message?

edited December 2013 in General
Hi folks,

MacMiner is very cool.  However, I seem to be having no success.  Can anyone make heads or tales of this:

 [2013-12-20 15:57:26] Stratum connect failed to pool 1: Failed connect to; Connection refused

 [2013-12-20 15:57:28] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update

 [2013-12-20 15:57:28] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update                    

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

 [2013-12-20 15:58:15] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update

 [2013-12-20 15:58:15] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update                    

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none


  • If you're trying to mine LTC make sure you checked use scrypt in the miner settings!
  • Hey FabulousPanda -

    Nah trying to mine BTC.  Anywhere else I should look?  BFG miner is the one I copied and pasted, CPU miner seems to be working.  My BTC address is:  


    If that helps at all.  Appreciate any guidance!
  • Did you check enable GPU mining? I'd switch to LTC for CPU/GPU mining - CPU Miner should only work for LTC!
  • Hey John,

    It looks like I got it up and running but it appears to be rather slow! Is there any point in mining using a MacBook Pro? Realistically what is the reward likely to be - ballpark? From reading the threads it sounds like mining BTC is now too difficult for anything but purpose built machines.
  • The default intensity is quite low because too high will freeze your mac but try putting it up a little at a time until the computer lags too much - There's definitely no point BTC mining on CPU/GPU but Litecoin and things like dogecoin you can Mine with them
  • Got it.  OK trying to get it set up to mine Litecoin now.  Here's what I'm getting, with 0 KH reading.  I enabled scrypt and am using the CPU miner... any ideas?  Many thanks.

    [2013-12-20 22:11:23] thread 1: 15456 hashes, 3.00 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:23] thread 2: 15348 hashes, 2.98 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:23] thread 0: 15432 hashes, 3.00 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:44] Stratum detected new block

    [2013-12-20 22:11:44] thread 1: 71184 hashes, 3.30 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:44] thread 2: 70848 hashes, 3.28 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:44] thread 3: 71004 hashes, 3.29 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:44] thread 0: 71196 hashes, 3.30 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:54] Stratum detected new block

    [2013-12-20 22:11:54] thread 0: 29268 hashes, 3.12 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:54] thread 2: 29736 hashes, 3.16 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:54] thread 3: 29616 hashes, 3.15 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:54] thread 1: 29364 hashes, 3.12 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:56] Stratum detected new block

    [2013-12-20 22:11:56] thread 2: 5292 hashes, 2.87 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:56] thread 3: 5304 hashes, 2.87 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:56] thread 1: 5244 hashes, 2.86 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 22:11:56] thread 0: 5184 hashes, 2.80 khash/s

  • That's normal for a while after you start, I guess it still says 'Starting' - it takes a long time to solve your first share cpu mining, but once you do it'll show you the hash rate. Right now it's showing you a hash rate for each cpu thread and you have 4 so you're getting a bit over 10kh/s
  • OK thanks, and that's a pretty terrible rate correct?  Is there anything i can do to boost it?
  • And... sorry to continue to be a pain in the ass - but in looking at the pool site, searching on my litecoin address LgmASr3KXPmANFyssVGtNXrUWiVBGdG2A2 I do not see it listed?
  • Yeah that's a bad rate, that's the fastest you'll get out of your cpu and I'm guessing given that you won't get much out of the GPU, sorry to say! Your address is there now - takes longer for very slow miners :S
  • Haha, got it.  Shoot.  If I want to take it to the next level in terms of hardware what would you recommend?  Say a 3k USD budget?  
  • Right now I'm indecisive, I can't reliably calculate how much the difficulty is going to increase over the next 3-5 months and it's going to increase a lot with the next generation of TeraHash miners arrival. I'm sorely tempted by one of the 100Gh BlackArrow ASICs but I don't want to have the customs bill to pay when it turns up.

    I've got an order for a 3TH KNC box but they're out of stock right now and I got in at the first batch when they were cheaper and BTC was at it's peak. Really I want to see what happens when CoinTerra, HashFast, BlackArrow and next gen KNC hit the market before making any decisions

    There isn't really anything on the market at $3k right now either, just double that, if I had 3k but only if I spent it on miners right away I'd probably buy a bunch of the 100Gh/s Black Arrow units - If I could take my time with it I'd probably get a couple and save the rest to see what the market looks like in a few months.

    All these new miners are ethernet connected boxes not usb to a computer, but you can still monitor them in the API Output window of MacMiner ;)

    Litecoin HW isn't really there yet, you could set up a barebones linux machine with a few GPUs or splurge on a new Mac Pro - that's $3k :P

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