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Newbie Struggling to Mine LiteCoin

edited December 2013 in Support

I am only just starting to attempt to mine for Litecoin, having never done it before. I have Litecoin-Qt and have now also downloaded MacMiner.

In Pool Setings, i simply added my LiteCoin address from my wallet. Then within settings i have ensured that 'Use Script' is ticked'

When i click start however, nothing seems to happen. I get this on screen:

[2013-12-19 23:47:43] Started bfgminer 3.8.1

 [2013-12-19 23:47:43] Loaded configuration file /Users/user/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf

The speed however shows as 0MH.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  • As well as use scrypt you need to check enable GPU mining - that will be checked by default in the next version

    You might want to check out the cpuminer window too for CPU mining
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the response. GPU mining is also ticked, however still no response.

    Where can i find the cpuminer window? Sorry for the questions.

    Thanks for the help.
  • Can you show anything else that comes out of the log please? What kind of Mac do you have?

    Check the 'View' menu at the top of the screen for all the different windows
  • Ahhhhhh, ok

    The CPUMiner appears to be running once i click start. eg.

    [2013-12-20 00:08:05] thread 2: 262968 hashes, 4.72 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 00:08:05] thread 3: 265860 hashes, 4.77 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 00:08:05] thread 7: 266244 hashes, 4.78 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 00:08:05] thread 4: 264300 hashes, 4.74 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 00:08:05] thread 1: 264840 hashes, 4.75 khash/s

    [2013-12-20 00:08:05] thread 5: 264900 hashes, 4.75 khash/s

    The speed still appears to show 0 though??

    Should i only really run the CPUMiner? Or am i meant to be running the other windows also?

    Thanks again,


  • cpuminer uses the CPU and bfgminer uses the GPU so you may want to use both but not all Macs can GPU mine - it depends what kind of mac you have. The speed in cpuminer should update once you've found your first share.
  • bfgminer doesn't appear to do anything. The CPU miner is now showing a speed of 39.03 now though.  :)

    It is a Macbook Pro 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7

  • What GPU does it have? If it's integrated graphics it won't be able to GPU mine but 39kh isn't bad for cpu mining

    Is there anything in the bfgminer log you didn't post such as anything to do with opencl? You can try putting -d in the manual flags part of the miner settings for bfgminer and it should list the devices you can mine on, to see if your computer can do it
  • It has

    Intel HD Graphics 4000 1024 MB

    I've attempted to put the -d into the manual flags section however nothing happens when i click start. The only message shown is still:

     [2013-12-20 00:20:02] Started bfgminer 3.8.1

     [2013-12-20 00:20:02] Loaded configuration file /Users/user/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf

  • ah sorry I meant -n not -d

    If it says 0 GPU devices you can't mine on your MacBook

    I'm not sure whether the 4000 works at all for it with Mac OS - some people have claimed that it works on 10.9 Mavericks but not earlier versions while some claim it just doesn't work at all and I suspect the claim that it does work is coming from someone who's actually mining on a MBP with a 4000 as well as a dedicated GPU and it's the dedicated GPU they see mining
  • Oh well, at least i can get my CPU mining. Thanks very much for your help.

    So what happens now, do i just leave my mac on running this and hopefully litecoin will appear in my wallet? Probably not at any great rate.
  • No problem! Yeah if you just set up with your LTC address just leave it running and keep an eye on the two graphs below your LTC address on this page:

  • If it works or not will depend on if there is OpenCL support. For instance on my Mac Pro, the graphics card isn't OpenCl compliant so while OSX has OpenCL drivers bfgminer (rightly) can't use the GPU. 

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