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how to add other pools

edited January 2014 in Pools
hi is there a way of adding other pools for btc?

i was looking on and am i correct in thinking my bfl should do any sha-256 algorithm? if so i do i change it so i can a pools address?




  • You can set up any sha-256 coin just by replacing the BTC pool info with the alt coin pool info
  • Hi
    I have been using MacMiner for a few days now and love it, just wondered is there a way of setting up a secondary mining pool in case the main pool goes down.
  • Hey, thanks! You can edit config manually in the miner settings panel for cg/GPU and ASIC windows but the CPU window only takes one pool. To generate a config with spaces for two backups pools run the legacy pool config there's a button for in Pool preferences and just put anything in the BTC/LTC address fields so it creates a config file with two backups P2Pool servers then change that info in edit config file manually - but make sure to avoid auto-replaced curly quotes I need to fix that up!

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