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FPGA/ASICMiner not working. I get the same message regardless if miner is plugged in or not

edited December 2013 in General
I was mining just fine using the latest version of macminer, but now I keep getting the same message regardless of whether the miner is plugged into the computer or not. I am using a butterfly labs 30ghs ASIC miner. 

This is the message:

 [2013-12-16 15:39:45] /Applications/ -c: JSON decode of file '/Users/tom/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf' failed

 control character 0x9

 [2013-12-16 15:39:45] /Applications/ -c: JSON decode of file '/Users/tom/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf' failed

 control character 0x9                    

Also, despite repeated attempts to install and uninstall completely, I cannot manage to uninstall macminer. Every time I reinstall, the pool settings are exactly as I left them. Shouldn't they be empty?

Thanks for any help!


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