how can I fix this issue?
It worked fine when I used this command
./sgminer -k tribus -o stratum+tcp:// -u sMuKjprPUVMHAYJmZ4KuAYKTbCtw1srvad -p “” -I 14
but when I saved config and try to run again it came up with.
[14:27:44] Startup GPU initialization... Using settings from pool
[14:27:44] Startup Pool No = 0
[14:27:44] Building binary tribusHD Graphics 4000gw256l8ku0.bin
[14:27:45] difficulty changed to 0.250
[14:27:45] Error -11: Building Program (clBuildProgram)
[14:27:45] :72:10: fatal error: '' file not found
[14:27:45] Failed to init GPU thread 0, disabling device 0
tried to delete the download file but it does not work.
and I do not have enough knowledge about mac os to resolve this issue.
Can you help?
i installed the same to other computer and it works fine with same file.
Did you move the binary file out of the folder structure by any chance? The sgminer binary should be in the same folder as a file called
No i did not. same file work on other computer
Might be that it doesn't work with intel hd graphics
Did i mess up the compiling when I saved the config file? btw i can't find the file anywhere on the folders.
it was working fine and i saved config file to start without using the terminal then it stopped working.
Ah, search your system for sgminer.conf and delete it
is there option to search system folder as well?
When you cmd-F in the finder it should say 'This mac' near the top of the window and if that's selected it'll search everywhere
nothing there.
may i ask which fold the cmakes goes to create a temp binary so i can go find the folder?
thank you so much for your help.
Try cmd-shift-F in finder to show recently created files.
Thank you, i guess it will not work T_T
Would other miner work with tribus algo?