When I use this command line to mine Vertcoin everything seems ok but the mining didn't' receive anything.
./sgminer -k lyra2rev2 -o hub.miningpoolhub.com:20507 -u user.worker -p x -I 25
Does anyone have any ideas, I can't find a solution.
If I use the GUI version is working ok.
Please any help is appreciated.
Are you getting shares accepted using the gpu miner? I didn't think it was working properly for anyone using lyra2rev2! What do you mean it didn't receive anything?
No, no shares accepted using the gpu miner with command line (when I've said "It didn't receive anything)
But when I use the GUI Macminer I receive the shares. I'm using the vertcoin.miningpoolhub
I mean do you get shares accepted and results reflected at the pool when you say the GUI version is working ok?
I think you might get it working (at least to the same extent as in MacMiner) at the command line by adding the protocol, stratum+tcp:// to the beginning of your pool.
WoW It might be that for sure!! I just didn't saw the Elephant!! sorry for taking your time.
It didn't work adding the stratum+tcp://
I need to use the GUI
Can you copy paste the output when it fails at the command line?
command line ->>>>
./sgminer -k lyra2rev2 -o stratum+tcp://hub.miningpoolhub.com:20507 -u username.workername -p password -I 16
command line -<<<<
[P]ool management [G]PU management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
GPU 0: | 1.848M/2.252Mh/s | R: 0.0% HW:3 WU:0.000/m I:16
GPU 1: | 1.868M/2.276Mh/s | R: 0.0% HW:4 WU:0.000/m I:16
[23:43:53] Probing for an alive pool
[23:43:55] hub.miningpoolhub.com difficulty changed to 512
[23:43:55] hub.miningpoolhub.com difficulty changed to 32
[23:43:55] Startup GPU initialization... Using settings from pool hub.miningpool
[23:43:55] Startup Pool No = 0
[23:43:55] Building binary lyra2rev2AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engineg
[23:43:57] Initialising kernel lyra2rev2.cl with nfactor 10, n 1024
[23:43:57] Building binary lyra2rev2AMD Radeon HD - FirePro D500 Compute Engineg
[23:43:59] Initialising kernel lyra2rev2.cl with nfactor 10, n 1024
>>>>>>>>>Line below I've activated the verbose<<<<<<<<<<<<
[P]ool management [G]PU management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit
GPU 0: | 2.252M/2.254Mh/s | R: 0.0% HW:17 WU:0.000/m I:16
GPU 1: | 2.276M/2.276Mh/s | R: 0.0% HW:22 WU:0.000/m I:16
[23:45:29] [THR0] GPU0: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:45:29] [THR0] GPU0: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:45:30] (5s):4.535M (avg):4.407Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:29 WU:0.000/m
[23:45:35] (5s):4.532M (avg):4.413Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:29 WU:0.000/m
[23:45:36] [THR0] GPU0: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:45:40] (5s):4.531M (avg):4.419Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:30 WU:0.000/m
[23:45:41] [THR1] GPU1: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:45:45] (5s):4.530M (avg):4.424Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:31 WU:0.000/m
[23:45:45] [THR1] GPU1: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:45:49] [THR1] GPU1: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:45:49] Work update message received
[23:45:50] (5s):4.526M (avg):4.429Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:33 WU:0.000/m
[23:45:54] [THR1] GPU1: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:45:55] (5s):4.526M (avg):4.433Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:34 WU:0.000/m
[23:45:56] [THR1] GPU1: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:46:00] (5s):4.528M (avg):4.437Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:35 WU:0.000/m
[23:46:04] [THR0] GPU0: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:46:05] (5s):4.528M (avg):4.441Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:36 WU:0.000/m
[23:46:05] [THR0] GPU0: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:46:07] [THR0] GPU0: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:46:07] [THR0] GPU0: invalid nonce - HW error
[23:46:10] (5s):4.527M (avg):4.444Mh/s | A:0 R:0 HW:39 WU:0.000/m
Thanks for the help.
That's pretty much what I'd expect from the lyra2rev2 sgminer either at the command line or in the MacMiner GUI, unfortunately it just doesn't seem to work for macOS at present. It is receiving and processing shares, just not solving them. If you do have it working in the GUI though I'd love to see that!
maybe I was using a old version and didn't see it!! Let me test it.
Is not to much, but I've used the MacMiner to mine this, I can't find the version that it worked now!! To damn weird.
I'll keep digging.
Thanks and sorry for all the trouble/time I've taken.
Just found what I was doing wrong!! in the GUI I've got the CPU mining too to Vertcoin that's why I've was seeing the Hashed getting into my pool.
Now I need to find a way to use the CPUminer with command line till this be fixed, if it will be fixed.
Thanks and sorry once again.
Ah that makes sense! The cpu miner is in the app bundle at MacMiner.app/Contents/Resources/cpuminermulti/bin/cpuminer
Unfortunately the future prospects for lyra2rev2 being fixed in sgminer for mac seem slim at present.
One thing I've notice is that I need to have the MacMiner inside /Applications/ If I try to have MacMiner on another folder and then start cpuminer it says that lib**** is not there. But I then try copy the MacMiner app to the /Applications/ folder and it start working (when using in command line).
Is that from version 1.5.62? I don't get the same error in a clean virtual machine. Could you copy/paste it here please so I can see what specific link is breaking for you there?
I'm gonna shut up!!!
I've got the 1.5.62 inside Applications folder and the 1.5.60 in the other folder.