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Scrypt Adaptive-N keeps restarting

I am trying to GPU mine using scrypt adaptive-n but, I keep getting this message "Your miner was restarted automatically after a sudden stop at 00:41:48.", however CPU mining works perfectly


  • edited January 2018

    The log just says
    Starting… [2018-01-24 18:39:25] Started vertminer 0.5.4pre1
    [2018-01-24 18:39:25] Loaded configuration file /Users/username/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/vtcurls.conf
    [2018-01-24 18:39:25] Probing for an alive pool
    [2018-01-24 18:39:26] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 4
    [2018-01-24 18:39:26] Network diff set to 21

    And then it gives the error message mentioned before

    Interestingly, it starts working if I run at the same time as ethminer, but as soon as I stop ethminer it gives the error message.

  • That's very peculiar, but it might suggest an issue with the intensity you've got the miner set to. Sometimes this happens if the intensity is too high or low for the GPU but maybe ethminer running simultaneously is taking up too much of its runtime for it to cause the crash.

    I wouldn't normally recommend running more than one GPU miner on the same GPU at the same time though!

  • edited January 2018

    I get the same thing at intensity 8. If I set intensity below 8 or above 22, I get this

    Starting…Please set an Intensity of 8 or higher [2018-01-25 18:10:54] /var/folders/vx/jv8mhny52rz4g5hn3dkpt7m40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E09644E9-85BD-4916-8DA2-9D26C7845F02/d/ -I: Invalid value passed to set intensity
    Please set an Intensity of 8 or higher [2018-01-25 18:10:54] /var/folders/vx/jv8mhny52rz4g5hn3dkpt7m40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/E09644E9-85BD-4916-8DA2-9D26C7845F02/d/ -I: Invalid value passed to set intensity

  • When I try to take the Resources folder out of the package contents of MacMiner and try to run vertminer from the terminal to mine that way, I get "Bus error: 10"

  • I'm not sure what's up with that then. You don't need to take binaries out of the app package to run them at the command line, they're actually linked to various other libraries in the bundle so it's best to run them where they are. Could you try giving it a shot with the sgminer here?

    If that works I'll switch the scrypt N GPU mining function from vertminer to sgminer

  • I tried sgminer, it started with n factor 11 and got these errors
    [07:49:00] [THR0] GPU0: invalid nonce - HW error

  • edited January 2018

    I tried running vertminer inside the app package it justs does this everytime it runs

    vertminer version 0.5.4pre1 - Started: [2018-01-26 19:32:12]

    (5s):175.0 (avg):165.0h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.0/m
    ST: 2 SS: 0 (0.0%) NB: 2 LW: 7 GF: 0 RF: 0
    Connected to diff 4 with stratum as user user

    Block: 3cf40113... Diff:27 Started: [19:32:29] Best share: 0

    [P]ool management [G]PU management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [Q]uit

    GPU 0: | 323.0/ 266.0h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.0/m I: 8

    [2018-01-26 19:32:11] Started vertminer 0.5.4pre1
    [2018-01-26 19:32:11] CL Platform 0 vendor: Apple
    [2018-01-26 19:32:11] CL Platform 0 name: Apple
    [2018-01-26 19:32:11] CL Platform 0 version: OpenCL 1.2 (Sep 12 2017 16:28:17)
    [2018-01-26 19:32:11] Platform 0 devices: 1
    [2018-01-26 19:32:11] 0 AMD Radeon R9 M395X Compute Engine
    [2018-01-26 19:32:11] Probing for an alive pool
    [2018-01-26 19:32:11] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] Pool 0 difficulty changed to 4
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] CL Platform vendor: Apple
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] CL Platform name: Apple
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Sep 12 2017 16:28:17)
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] List of devices:
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] 0 AMD Radeon R9 M395X Compute Engine
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] Selected 0: AMD Radeon R9 M395X Compute Engine
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] Selecting scrypt kernel
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] GPU 0: selecting thread concurrency of 8128
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] Initialising kernel without bitalign, 1 v
    ectors and worksize 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] initCl() finished. Found AMD Radeon R9 M395X Compute Engi
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] 1 gpu miner threads started
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] Work update message received
    [2018-01-26 19:32:12] Network diff set to 28
    [2018-01-26 19:32:13] New block: 85210812e9ee559758ea35a50cfe93537fd26b032e175d
    af8f3c3c4ba0b200f2... diff 28
    [2018-01-26 19:32:13] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:13] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:15] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:17] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:18] (5s):70.00 (avg):170.0h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.0/m
    [2018-01-26 19:32:18] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:20] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:22] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:23] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:25] (5s):109.0 (avg):167.0h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.0/m
    [2018-01-26 19:32:25] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:26] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:28] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:29] Network diff set to 27
    [2018-01-26 19:32:29] New block: 3cf401139ccc96751f1c9c3e9faa90da0146a3158197fa
    aeef3a9ef49bd92a5b... diff 27
    [2018-01-26 19:32:29] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
    [2018-01-26 19:32:29] Work update message received
    [2018-01-26 19:32:29] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:31] (5s):133.0 (avg):167.0h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.0/m
    [2018-01-26 19:32:31] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:32] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:34] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:36] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:37] (5s):128.0 (avg):155.0h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.0/m
    [2018-01-26 19:32:37] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:39] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:40] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:42] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:43] (5s):143.0 (avg):157.0h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.0/m
    [2018-01-26 19:32:43] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:45] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:46] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:48] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:50] (5s):152.0 (avg):158.0h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.0/m
    [2018-01-26 19:32:50] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:51] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:53] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:54] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:56] (5s):175.0 (avg):165.0h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.0/m
    [2018-01-26 19:32:56] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:56] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:56] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:56] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:57] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:57] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:57] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:57] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:57] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:58] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:58] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:58] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:58] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:58] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:59] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:59] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:59] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:59] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:32:59] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:33:00] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:33:00] set globalThreads to 256
    [2018-01-26 19:33:00] set globalThreads to 256Bus error: 10

    This is what happens when I run it at the same time as ethminer, if I don't do that it gets the "Bus error: 10" immediately. So the "Bus error: 10" seems to correspond to the constant restarting done by MacMiner. And the higher the intensity is set, the faster the bus error comes

  • I've had a good look in to this and didn't get either of those working with scrypt-n, so I've compiled sgminer-gm and tested that which works and has shares accepted for me using the following:

    ./sgminer --algorithm scrypt-n --nfactor 11 -o stratum+tcp:// -u my.worker -p x -I 11

    I've added to the other sgminers here:

  • I've replaced vertminer with sgminer-gm in an update to MacMiner now.

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