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xmr-stak-amd-macOS_nohttpd // Illegal Instruction : 4

Anyone run into this error? I just can't mine.

---[Program starts]---
Charless-Mac-Pro:xmr-stak-amd-macOS_nohttpd charles$ ./xmr-stak-amd
[2018-01-14 00:46:48] : Compiling code and initializing GPUs. This will take a while...
[2018-01-14 00:46:48] : Device 0 work size 8 / 256.
xmr-stak-amd 1.1.0-1.4.0-dev mining software, AMD Version.
AMD mining code was written by wolf9466.
Brought to you by fireice_uk under GPLv3.

Configurable dev donation level is set to 2.0 %

You can use following keys to display reports:
'h' - hashrate
'r' - results
'c' - connection
[2018-01-14 00:46:57] : Starting GPU thread, no affinity.
[2018-01-14 00:46:57] : Connecting to pool ...
[2018-01-14 00:46:57] : Connected. Logging in...
[2018-01-14 00:46:57] : Difficulty changed. Now: 5000.
[2018-01-14 00:46:57] : New block detected.
Illegal instruction: 4
Charless-Mac-Pro:xmr-stak-amd-macOS_nohttpd charles$
---[Program crashes here]---


  • FYI: I am using the non libmicrohttpd version as I am running macOS 10.11.6.

  • Ah sorry, that error means something was compiled using OS features that require a later version of macOS... I must have messed up somewhere. It's possible that the AMD version required a later OS version as I see now I only compiled xmr-stak with AMD support for 10.12+ whereas I compiled it with CPU only for earlier OS versions. It's been a little while though and I can't recall precisely what issues I ran in to along the way!

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