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XMR-Stak 2.2.0 AMD support

Please help us to compile support for AMD card, the manual has no support for AMD and tells you to disable.

Thank you.


  • I don't want to come off rude but if you can't figure out how to compile it for AMD you probably shouldn't. And even if you can, you still probably shouldn't. I'm actually considering taking down the version I compiled and put up with a usage warning as I've seen people complain of it overheating their Mac to disrepair and earlier versions caused me some hassle too.

  • Brilliant, thanks for your support.

    I managed to compile for CPU but wasn't sure how to with AMD support.

    I just saw your other post and for the small gain from my card it's not worth the risk. Didn't think it would be much but that's far less than i expected.

    Thanks again.

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