Hi FabulousPanda,
Thank you for your great work!
Unfortunately, I've begun to run into a problem. I began successfully using MacMiner on my iMac with an AMD card last night but after changing coins, i'm no longer able to achieve any mining whatsoever. Here is a snippet from my log:
20s: 12.2 avg: 12.2 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none 20s: 12.1 avg: 12.2 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none 20s: 11.7 avg: 12.1 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none 20s: 11.8 avg: 12.1 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none [2018-01-02 14:36:13] Network difficulty changed to 103 (747.9M) [2018-01-02 14:36:13] New block: ...cf3b358da3cb6e77 diff 103 (747.9M) [2018-01-02 14:36:13] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block 20s: 12.0 avg: 12.1 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none 20s: 12.1 avg: 12.1 u: 0.0 kh/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none [2018-01-02 14:36:58] Network difficulty changed to 96 (690.4M) [2018-01-02 14:36:58] New block: ...47db5c87e43bc1d4 diff 96 (690.4M) [2018-01-02 14:36:58] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block [2018-01-02 14:36:58] JSON-RPC non method decode failed: (null)
Previously, the 0.0 kh/s entries had positive numbers and my worker was detected. Now I only receive the message above interspersed with occasional JSON-RPC non method decode failed messages.
Here is my LTC config:
{ "pools" : [ { "url" : "ftc-neo.give-me-coins.com:3336", "user" : "@@@@", "pass" : "@@@@" } ] }
Hey, you're mining Feathercoin right? That uses neoscrypt not the scrypt that Litecoin uses so you'll need to set up for that instead which uses the sgminer backend which itself is half untested so I'd appreciate feedback on how you get on with it, as there are other backends I could use for neoscrypt if you run in to problems with that one.
There isn't really one place you can find documentation on everything output in the log, your best bet is to duckduckgo the specific line you'd like to decipher.