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AMD Invalid Result while running xmr-stak-amd on Macbook Pro mid-2015

I'm trying to use xmr-stak-amd to mine Monero on couple Macbook Pro mid-2015. I'm getting decent hashrate - 233 h/s while using 3 CPU threads and 1 GPU thread. GPU thread hash rate is ~100 h/s. The problem is that every result calculated by GPU is invalid.

$ ./xmr-stak -V
Version: xmr-stak/2.1.0/8e38483/dev/mac/amd-cpu/aeon-monero/20

amd.txt contents:

 * GPU configuration. You should play around with intensity and worksize as the fastest settings will vary.
 *      index    - GPU index number usually starts from 0
 *  intensity    - Number of parallel GPU threads (nothing to do with CPU threads)
 *   worksize    - Number of local GPU threads (nothing to do with CPU threads)
 * affine_to_cpu - This will affine the thread to a CPU. This can make a GPU miner play along nicer with a CPU miner.
 * strided_index - switch memory pattern used for the scratch pad memory
 *                 true  = use 16byte contiguous memory per thread, the next memory block has offset of intensity blocks
 *                 false = use a contiguous block of memory per thread
 * "gpu_threads_conf" :
 * [
 *  { "index" : 0, "intensity" : 1000, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false, "strided_index" : true },
 * ],

"gpu_threads_conf" : [
  // gpu: AMD Radeon R9 M370X Compute Engine memory:384
  // compute units: 10
  { "index" : 1,
    "intensity" : 160, "worksize" : 8,
    "affine_to_cpu" : false, "strided_index" : true


 * Platform index. This will be 0 unless you have different OpenCL platform - eg. AMD and Intel.
"platform_index" : 0,


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