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Error -30. MacMiner is restarting

Hello! Help me please to fix the problem and to configure MacMiner correctly. This error appears again and again and my Mac is not mining anything.


  • 10.13.2 High Sierra, MacBook Pro Mid 2014 Retina

  • That error doesn't usually cause a crash. Maybe try lowering the intensity.

  • @FabulousPanda said:
    That error doesn't usually cause a crash. Maybe try lowering the intensity.

    Didn't help.

    Here is log.


    Starting… [2017-12-19 17:39:29] Started bfgminer 5.4.2-unknown

    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] Started bfgminer 5.4.2-unknown
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] Loaded configuration file /Users/PAL/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf

    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] Loaded configuration file /Users/PAL/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/ltcurls.conf
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] CL Platform 0 vendor: Apple
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] CL Platform 0 name: Apple
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] CL Platform 0 version: OpenCL 1.2 (Oct 31 2017 18:19:43)
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] Platform 0 devices: 2
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] 0 Iris Pro
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] 1 GeForce GT 750M
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] Unable to load ati adl library
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] Probing for an alive pool

    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] Probing for an alive pool
    [2017-12-19 17:39:29] Testing pool stratum+tcp://
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive

    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] Pool 0 stratum+tcp:// alive
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] Network difficulty changed to 3.55M (25.44T)

    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] Network difficulty changed to 3.55M (25.44T)
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] New block: ...3e60a244a4043df8 diff 3.55M (25.44T)
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] CL Platform vendor: Apple
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] CL Platform name: Apple
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Oct 31 2017 18:19:43)
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] List of devices:
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] 0 Iris Pro
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] 1 GeForce GT 750M
    [2017-12-19 17:39:31] Selected 0: Iris Pro
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] initCl() finished. Found Iris Pro
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] Init GPU thread 1 GPU 1 virtual GPU 1
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] CL Platform vendor: Apple
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] CL Platform name: Apple
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Oct 31 2017 18:19:43)
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] List of devices:
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] 0 Iris Pro
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] 1 GeForce GT 750M
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] Selected 1: GeForce GT 750M
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] initCl() finished. Found GeForce GT 750M
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] API running in IP access mode on port 4052

    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] API running in IP access mode on port 4052
    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] Error -30: Clearing output buffer for goffset test kernel (clEnqueueWriteBuffer)

    [2017-12-19 17:39:32] Error -30: Clearing output buffer for goffset test kernel (clEnqueueWriteBuffer)

  • Sometimes the GPU just can't handle it. Especially mobile GPUs.

  • So that means I can forget about mining on current Mac Book Pro?

  • Hello, same problem with my MACPRO, NVIDIA 1070 GPU... Not sure about the problem but I will probably have to return to these windows miners which seem to work much better on my MACPRO... I really dont understand the lack of NVIDIA GPU support on all these mining tools for OSX. So sorry about that. Same for video H265 encoding. I never found another way to have this working efficiently than to boot Windows on my MAC for these specific tasks... Too bad. Anyways thanks for your work FabulousPanda. At least you tried and I learn a lot thanks to it. Best Regs.

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