I was wondering when you plan to become an identified developer on the Apple ecosystem. Using your software is very tricky, as our security locks on the work computers prevent us from using your software to mine.
I think this might be the right link: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/MaintainingCertificates/MaintainingCertificates.html
We have 18 computers with rx580s, and becoming a verified developer would help us immensely with using these to mine.
I do have a developer ID I sign with but the rules for gatekeeper signing apps got stricter for signing bundled frameworks recently so newer versions aren't properly signed and it would be a pain in the ass the change the structure of MacMiner to get it compliant. You probably shouldn't be mining on a machine you don't have administrator privileges on anyway…
It's not that we don't have permission to mine necessarily, but rather that the higher ups would rather us use our own accounts to do so and not an administrator's account.
Do you remember which one is the newest version that's properly signed? Perhaps that would work instead.
Just wanted to bump this to the top
Not sure off the top of my head, or for that matter whether the older versions would still get past gatekeeper since the rules got stricter.