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Can't reopen macminer windows


I closed all windows of macminer, but the program still runs in the background. However, I can't seem to reopen the windows to stop the mining process. Also, I can't shut down my mac because I keeps telling me I have to stop miners first.

Please help me! :)


  • Are you trying to open them from the 'View' menu at the top of the screen? What happens? Can you also please describe to me your setup and as precisely as possible how you ran it this time around just in case I can figure out why that happened?

    In the event that MacMiner becomes unresponsive while a miner is running, open 'Activity Monitor' in the /Applications/Utilities folder (press cmd-shift-U in Finder to open that folder).

    Sort processes alphabetically, and if you're running:
    GPU miner window and/or ASIC miner window
    search for bfgminer, select it and click force quit. If you're mining alt currencies also search for sgminer and cgminer which are binaries used for alt coins bfgminer does not support.

    for cgminer window the same but search cgminer

    for cpu miner window search minerd

    Now if you have left MacMiner running it's possible the window will pop back up with the notification 'Your miner stopped unexpectedly at…' but either way it's going to restart the miner after 10 seconds so it's probably worth force quitting MacMiner before the previously mentioned dependencies.

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