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Errors configuration macminer

Good morning,

when I use macminer these errors appear:

[2015-11-27 14:21:04] API running in IP access mode on port 4052
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Selecting poclbm kernel
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Selecting poclbm kernel
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Initialising kernel without bitalign, 1 vectors and worksize 256
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 1 failure, attempting to reinitialize

[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 1 failure, attempting to reinitialize
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 1 failure, disabling!

[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 1 failure, disabling!
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 1 being disabled
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Initialising kernel without bitalign, 1 vectors and worksize 256
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 0 failure, attempting to reinitialize

[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 0 failure, attempting to reinitialize
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

[2015-11-27 14:21:04] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 0 failure, disabling!

[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 0 failure, disabling!
[2015-11-27 14:21:04] OCL 0 being disabled
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] Attempting to reinitialize OCL 0
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] OCL 0 being re-enabled
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] Attempting to reinitialize OCL 1
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] OCL 1 being re-enabled
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

[2015-11-27 14:21:12] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] OCL 0 failure, disabling!

[2015-11-27 14:21:12] OCL 0 failure, disabling!
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

[2015-11-27 14:21:12] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] OCL 0 being disabled
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] OCL 1 failure, disabling!

[2015-11-27 14:21:12] OCL 1 failure, disabling!
[2015-11-27 14:21:12] OCL 1 being disabled

My configuration is this one:

Any idea of the cause of these errors?


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