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Setting up API output

So I am trying to get this all set up so I can read my miners... I have 2 rockminers and 2 USB miners.. I have a Sabrent 3.0 USB Hub. How would I determine my IP/Port information to add each miner?


  • You have to have the IP of each miner to have set it up with your pool right? So that's the IP you'd use - if monitoring is enabled the default port is 4028 so try that but it's device dependant and you'd have to make sure in it's web interface.

    You can monitor any networked miner that's running cgminer or bfgminer as long as it has the API enabled.

    USB miners show up automatically in the API Output window as MacMiner picks a port for the cgminer/bfgminer instances it runs and uses as the IP

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