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edited December 2013 in General
So I was rolling through the stats and I must be misinterpreting. I thought I would look at some addresses in the payouts and then look at their stats to get an head as far as what kind of capacity their gear had. 

Grabbing say the first entry 
Quite good obviously.  Looking at :  and given it's a fair amount of BTC they should show up on the weekly or even daily graphs.

They don't. Not found.

I can find my address on the list: 14Sba7F9DY3gXxGeTF35DNLuTX5pAXsjac 

So I went to the second entry on the payout : 
146197ntzrBT41DDQRrB2STBb19dw7ct2F  a very respectable 1.8167268BTC

I look at the weekly and that address also isn't found. 

So what am I doing wrong? Why would addresses that are listed in the payout not have an entry in the daily or weekly rates?



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