Oh dear! Can you please first delete the MacMiner folder in /Users/user/Library/Application Support and the preferences file /Users/user/Library/Preferences/com.fabulouspanda.macminer.plist
then restart and let me know whether 1.5.17 works? I'll start combing code now!
I don't get it, I just tested it on a MBP - one of the old 17" ones, but on 10.9.1 - was already fine, deleted what I said above (but did it in the Finder and deleted the folder without deleting contents first)
btw by restart I meant restart the computer as I think when I tested the bug on 1.5.15 I had to restart after quitting, then deleting those files
Can someone give some assistance, I'm running OSX Mavericks 10.9.1 and MacMiner 1.5.17 (1517c), I download the zip file and added it to my applications folder because when I initially ran it, it ran but when I tried running it in FPGA/ASiC, it tried running but gave a statement that no such file existed. I've tried everything..Can someone assist?
@FabulousPanda, ==solved. I'm not sure what it's worth, but 'Restart' didn't do it. I had to Shutdown and boot back up. not sure what my mac pro retina w/SSD might do that's not a true restart. I dunno from Mac, but I'm up and running. thx for the help.
I think the new MBPs have something called 'power nap' which might be responsible for the fail to work after restart thing. I'll look into clearing preferences some more…
unable to open /Users/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf: No such file or directory