Today when I started MacMiner the Pool URL Setting for LTC changed to Fabulouspanda's pool.
My LTC payment address was overwritten to the worker name for my correct LTC minimg pool.
Last night my URL for Litecoin was: stratum+tcp://
Worker Name:
LTC Payment Address was correct.
All was working fine. I was monitoring it at coinhunter.
I shutdown for the night.
I started this morning and after 6hrs decided to check things:
The URL for Litecoin was: "Fabulouspanda..."
My LTC payment address was:
Attempts to change them back failed.
After restarting the Mac I finally got things back.
Before I restarted I checked the config file by selecting
manual config. Fabulous Panda was listed as the server.
I just checked the config files for bfgurls and itcurls. They are correct.
I am running cpuminer, bfgminer (for 5870 GPU) and FPGA/ASIC Miner concurrently.
I will check this closely tomorrow when I restart.
I have saved copies of the correct bfgurls and itcurls files.
Also the hash rate in cpuminer does not always show up on starting it.
I sticks on starting with 0KH/s but the output window and coinhunter
report correct hash rates. It takes a lot of quitting and starting to get it going.
Thanks ... Ken
Today the LTC pool remained correct but the
LTC payment was set to the LTC Username.
I believe when the LTC url changed
the original url was giving errors and
it automatically switched to the Panda pool.
I remember the errors going by that the
was blocking something.
Will be watching this closely.
Thanks ... Ken
Thanks ... Ken