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Common speed for scrypt on Xeon processors in Mac Pro 3,1?

edited February 2014 in General
I'm running CPUMiner on my Mac Pro 3,1 with 2 x 2,8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon and Cudaminer on NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 and FPGA/ASIC Miner with two Red Fury 2,6 GH sticks (MacMiner is great for these! Much faster than Bitminter Java app!).

All works fine and seems stable, even though I believe I will not earn anything, rather get a large electricity-bill the coming months.

However, it seems like I get CPU speed about 50 KH toward Middlecoin scrypt.
Is that "normal"?
It seems slow, is there anything I can tweak to make the CPUMiner working faster? 


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