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LTC mining with BFL 5 Ghz with MacMiner

edited January 2014 in FPGA and ASIC devices
Firstly i would like to congratulate use for such a very nice product! in try mac fashion simplicity at its best :p , especially with the guide was kinda a breeze to set up, once i kinda knew what i was doing.

im a complete novice at this and reading code was a bit hard to say the least. i managed to get the bfl to work for a few days and whoo hooo i was mining! but i do get these drop where it stops mining and seems to be stuck in a loop with this showing

Stratum from pool 0 requested work update

i normally unplug and restart the app and where back up and running again. 

but my question is this i have tried to mine LTE through the FPGA/ASIC bfg miner. Is this 

A. possible
B. how do i know if it is mining? as i have not recived no coins in the wallet i assigned in the username of the pool! and how would i know on the software?

and also i have to enabled the enable quite output, does this matter as i assume its not mining from my cpu anyhow and is using the bfl to mine, as there only one device, PGA0, in the API Output section.
any help would be much appritiated. sry i dont know much abt this so wasnt sure on what otehr information to provide!



  • Thanks, I appreciate it! work update requests aren't on their own anything to worry about but if your hash rate drops then something bad is happening there… Does hash rate drop too? You should be able to unplug and plug back in the BFL without quitting MacMiner and it'll pick it up again when it's reconnected.

    You can't Litecoin mine with Bitcoin ASICs unfortunately, they run a different algorithm (which is why you don't get LTC ASICs yet)

    Kind regards,


  • edited December 2013
    Hi Kudos for the quick reply John.

    Ahh now its beginning to make sense. DOPE! 

    er one thing i just updated and spent past two hrs wondering why it would not connect back up, turned out that the USB port number after the -S was out only to realise i had it in the other usb slot! seems i have a long way to go :p 

    So what kind of Litecoin mining hardware is out there if any apart from CPU/GPU's? 

    in regards to the hash rate, it stops all together, im wondering if my macbook pro is putting it to sleep when its not in use, only done it to me twice at night! will post up in more detail what happens, but im assuming its on my end, since computer never sleeps but is used still day to day! 

    also a quicky, on a astehic point i love the logo! retro but slick! what abt incorprating a color scheme into the app banners? the gradiant grey gets  a bit boring even tho i spend me life now staring at a screen tht dribbles thru the accepted hash's. even your logo on the right opposite the Ghz readout? atlezst that way be free advertising when ppl do post up there issues :p

    thanks once again!

  • Ah, if you want it to detect all devices connected to the machine you can use

    -S all

    instead of specifying them individually. I'll put in a 'use all USB miners' button soon! 

    There are just now the first few scrypt/Litecoin fpgas showing up but nothing faster than GPUs, just more power efficient. Litecoin was designed to be resistant to specialised hardware.

    Have you checked the energy saver panel of system preferences to see whether it's set to go to sleep when it's plugged in?

    I will eventually get themes in to MacMiner but there's a lot of stuff on the list already - Speech notifications of authentication failures or low hash rate will be in the next version for example. I will see how it looks with the logo on there - I was thinking of slimming it down like the other windows as temperatures are in the API Output window but there would still be room for the logo. I've used Macs since they had those 3D multicolour logos on the machines and it's still my favourite version of the logo! It's Gigahash by the way, not Gigahertz ;)
  • hi sory one more thing im currently just jumped on to your pool, and all i get now is Stratum from pool 0 requested work update, and have had only two accepted (Accepted 005529cd BFL 0d pool 0 Diff 769/511, & Accepted 00379226 BFL 0h pool 0 Diff 1.18k/339 ) in the space of 18 mins, is this the norm? it still says im Giga hashing (were getting there) at avg 8.3Gh at mo. my Q is it doing anything ie hashing or is it jsut waiting around for somthign to come ?  and is this the norm for this pool ie the wait as i was on bitminer before and ud get an accepted hash every 10-20 sec or so! 

    yea the all button would be cool! took me a bit to figure it out lol! even to load terminal! i got away from windows for the simplicity lol i turn it on it works!  n yep on power its set to never sleep! 
  • You should be getting more accepted shares than that but 18mins is too early to say how it's going really, you did get two high difficulty shares - and P2Pool has one of the highest pool difficulties - you should keep an eye on the two graphs under your bitcoin address on the graphs page of the website though:

    Does it not start working again if you stop then start the miner? Also what version of OS X are you using? Maybe the warning of 0 hash will help but if just stopping/starting fixed it I could just put in the option to restart at 0 automatically to solve the problem…
  • ox10.7.5 im running n yep just a restart boots it back up! 
    er i aint in the list or is it to early to be there 


    13 accepted and 1 rejected since!
  • Whoops, sorry, I sent you to the Litecoin node! You're showing up here and it looks normal:

  • oh found me self i was on lte coine inseat of bit coin! just got to understand it now!
    Sun Dec 15 2013 01:48:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)6.28G
    Sun Dec 15 2013 01:14:24 GMT+0000 (GMT)8.45G
    safe to say were mining, ruffly what would u expect in bitcoin return??? in say a day thru the pool? 
  • P2Pool is variable due to luck, it's a good idea to look at the luck charts linked here:

    It can be agonising when there's a long time between rewards but as you see it's higher than 100% on average and I've found it pays out well over time. I hate to say it but it might be better to use a jalapeño alone on a more conventional mine like because there would be quite a long time between payout shares found on P2Pool due to the high difficulty

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