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I dont know what I am me!

edited January 2014 in General
I am posting the script in a helpless attempt to gain some help. any advice as to whats wrong with my configuration?

Testing pool 1 stratum stratum+tcp://

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] JSON-RPC call failed: {

   "data": null,

   "code": -32601,

   "message": "Method not found"


 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Switching pool 1 to stratum+tcp://

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Stratum authorisation success for pool 0

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Pool 0 alive

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Network difficulty changed to 1.42G (10.15Ph/s)

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] New block: ...dae1dac8 #279728 diff 1.42G (10.15Ph/s)

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Testing pool 2 stratum stratum+tcp://

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Stratum authorisation success for pool 1

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Pool 1 alive

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Pool 1 is hiding block contents from us

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Closing socket for stratum pool 1

 [2014-01-10 12:38:46] Switching pool 2 to stratum+tcp://

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Init GPU thread 0 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] CL Platform vendor: Apple

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] CL Platform name: Apple

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Apr 25 2013 18:32:06)

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] List of devices:

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] 0 GeForce 8600M GT

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Selected 0: GeForce 8600M GT

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Stratum authorisation success for pool 2

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Pool 2 alive

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Pool 2 is hiding block contents from us

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Selecting poclbm kernel

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Initialising kernel without bitalign, 1 vectors and worksize 256

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] initCl() finished. Found GeForce 8600M GT

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Init GPU thread 1 GPU 0 virtual GPU 0

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] CL Platform vendor: Apple

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] CL Platform name: Apple

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] CL Platform version: OpenCL 1.2 (Apr 25 2013 18:32:06)

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] List of devices:

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] 0 GeForce 8600M GT

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Selected 0: GeForce 8600M GT

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Closing socket for stratum pool 2

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Initialising kernel without bitalign, 1 vectors and worksize 256

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] initCl() finished. Found GeForce 8600M GT

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] 0 cpu miner threads started, using SHA256 'fastauto' algorithm.

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] OCL 0 failure, attempting to reinitialize

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] OCL 0 failure, disabling!

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] OCL 0 (thread 0) being disabled

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] OCL 0 failure, attempting to reinitialize

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] OCL 0 (thread 1) being disabled

 [2014-01-10 12:38:49] Stratum from pool 0 requested work update

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)                    

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] OCL 0 failure, attempting to reinitialize                    

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)                    

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] OCL 0 failure, disabling!                    

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)                    

 [2014-01-10 12:38:47] OCL 0 failure, attempting to reinitialize                    

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none          

 [2014-01-10 12:38:53] Attempting to reinitialize OCL 0

 [2014-01-10 12:38:53] OCL 0 (thread 1) being re-enabled

 [2014-01-10 12:38:53] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)

 [2014-01-10 12:38:53] OCL 0 failure, disabling!

 [2014-01-10 12:38:53] OCL 0 (thread 1) being disabled

 [2014-01-10 12:38:53] Error -54: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)                    

 [2014-01-10 12:38:53] OCL 0 failure, disabling!                    

5s:  0.0 avg:  0.0 u:  0.0  h/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none      


  • It's a problem with your GPU, sometimes you can make it work by lowering the intensity and unticking dynamic intensity in the miner settings panel - put it right down to a negative value and work up from there
  • i dont know I've already put the intensity to the lowest, and it seems to not resolve the issue...
  • It is theoretically possible but the GPU is only rated at about 4Mh for SHA-256 (BTC) mining - maybe try the CPU miner window for mining LTC?
  • starting mining ltc 

    this is what i get

    [2014-01-10 19:53:10] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://

    [2014-01-10 19:53:10] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0

    [2014-01-10 19:53:10] 2 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.

    [2014-01-10 19:53:10] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1

    [2014-01-10 19:53:10] Stratum detected new block

    [2014-01-10 19:53:12] thread 1: 4104 hashes, 4.37 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:53:12] thread 0: 4104 hashes, 4.15 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:54:09] thread 0: 249108 hashes, 4.35 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:54:12] thread 1: 262104 hashes, 4.32 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:55:18] thread 0: 260808 hashes, 3.79 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:55:21] thread 1: 259080 hashes, 3.78 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:56:14] thread 0: 227652 hashes, 4.01 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:56:16] thread 1: 226884 hashes, 4.09 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:57:18] thread 0: 240672 hashes, 3.80 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:57:21] thread 1: 245424 hashes, 3.77 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:58:25] thread 0: 227916 hashes, 3.38 khash/s

    [2014-01-10 19:58:29] thread 1: 226068 hashes, 3.36 khash/s

  • that means you're hashing on 2 threads at a total of about 6.6Kh - not very good but still better than the GPU could do - I wouldn't really expect to make money that way but it's a good proof of concept if you're looking for an ASIC or something!

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