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edited December 2013 in Support
Hi, I'm brand new to this. Been trying to set up mining from my mac - finally found you :)
But I don't seem to be mining yet.

I want to start with Litecoin, don't think my laptop is up to Bitcoin.
Have downloaded MacMiner, all seems fine, but when looking at the BFG Miner screen, nothing is happening.

It's probably very simple (like myself) but I'm no techie, so I'm desparate for some help.

ALso I'd like to mine some fastcoin and bbqcoin. Do I need a difierent miner to so this. Basic questions but I am already way out of my depth!!!


  • What did you enter for pool settings? You can get a litecoin client from which is where you can get a LTC address for your rewards. Also, what is in the bfg logs when you click start?

    most coins use sha256 like bitcoin or scrypt like litecoin so whichever any particular alt coin uses you just set that part of MacMiner up for that kind of coin. Obviously this does still conflict with BTC/LTC setup.
  • Pool settings for LTC
    In the BFG Miner Options
    General Options - I have Dynamic Intensity (default) ticked
    CPU Threads: 0
    Manual flags: -S all
    Everything else shows as Automatic
    And unticked are:
    Enable GPU mining
    Enable quiet output
    Enable debug output

    That's it.
  • you don't want to set -S all unless you're mining with usb devices and you need to tick use scrypt (e.g. for Litecoin) in the miner options panel
  • Yes I've ticked use scrypt.
    Do I leave Manual flags blank?

  • Nothing yet. The intensity is at 5 at the moment.
  • What Mac are you using? It might be too old. can you post the output from the bottom of the window please?
  • edited December 2013
    I seem to be having the same issue as jmcadg.
    I can run CPUMiner no problem. However, if I try to run BFG Miner, nothing happens.

    When I click 'Start', it says, "The primary pool is set to and the user is set to".

    It appears to be missing the url and username, but they appear in the config file.

    The window outputs:
     [2013-12-18 21:07:59] Started bfgminer 3.8.1

     [2013-12-18 21:07:59] Loaded configuration file /Users/kstoff/Library/Application Support/MacMiner/bfgurls.conf

    I have:

    Model Name: MacBook Pro

      Model Identifier: MacBookPro10,1

      Processor Name: Intel Core i7

      Processor Speed: 2.6 GHz

      Number of Processors: 1

      Total Number of Cores: 4

      L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB

      L3 Cache: 6 MB

      Memory: 16 GB



  • Do you have use scrypt checked in the settings panel of bfgminer window? If you haven't set up BTC pools and haven't checked that the blank pool and username issue would happen.

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