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litecoin on bfgminer not accepting shares

im trying to mine litecoin. i thought i set up everything right and it looks like its mining but Im not getting any accepted shares. For some reason it works when i try to mine bitcoin. Am i doing something wrong?

bfgminer version 5.5.0-unknown -
Pool 0: Diff:16.4k +Strtm LU:[17:11:16] User:Bliasun
Block: ...909f4b7668de0315 Diff:10.2M (73.09T) Started: [17:10:45] I: 0.00 BTC/hr
ST:11 F:0 NB:22 AS:0 BW:[ 52/ 4 B/s] E:0.00 BS:6.2k

1 | 1.63/ 1.55/ 1.53Gh/s | A:0 R:0+0(none) HW:0/none

[2021-02-14 17:06:40] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2021-02-14 17:07:54] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2021-02-14 17:09:23] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2021-02-14 17:10:45] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block

Just keeps detecting new blocks
My pool also isn't reporting anything.


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