Is the issue you guys are running in to getting the code compiled or that it doesn't work once compiled? I managed to compile the aceneun GitHub linked but I haven't tested it.
FYI that tpruvot cpuminer-multi is inside MacMiner at
Okay cool - this one runs.. but i am just getting rejected shares.. the x16r algo wasnt found.. which i dont see in the bin which is odd. Thanks again for all the help!
[12:00:51] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[12:00:51] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[12:00:51] Work items generated locally: 27
[12:00:51] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[12:00:51] New blocks detected on network: 1
I just ran this from the command line inside the folder: ./sgminer -k x16r -o stratum+tcp:// -u username-p x -I 19 --hamsi-short -w 256 --blake-compact --luffa-parallel
Here's another build:
Anyone want to be a rockstar and help with compiling this for mac?
Yes this would be awesome. I tried adding the x16r algorithm from this in the sgminer-gm-macos but it was no bueno
Ravencoin is awesome. Cant recompile macminer without the source code though.. Kakaww!
FYI Its much faster to mine x16r with cpu when you run an ubuntu Docker container with mac and then run this code
Thanks for your input, Intern1. GPU is the primary focus here.
Give us a kaw if you have any leads.
agreed. i think they just need to include sha512 and and add the file it will be good to run!
Is the issue you guys are running in to getting the code compiled or that it doesn't work once compiled? I managed to compile the aceneun GitHub linked but I haven't tested it.
FYI that tpruvot cpuminer-multi is inside MacMiner at
Could you provide instructions on compiling the code?
It just needs this one change and it compiled fine:
in util.c
and change this first found line to
#if defined(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32)
oohhhh mammmaa! Will give it a go later! Appreciate the help! Kakaww!
Yeah i suck at this kind of stuff... autoconf and automake didnt like me.
Okay here's the one I compiled, like I said though I haven't actually tested it.
Please let us know whether it works! wwakak!
Thanks for coming through with the compiled version, FaulousPanda.
Will test it out shortly.
Thanks! Getting this error:
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../../curl/lib/libcurl.4.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/sgminer-x16r/sgminergmx16r/bin/./sgminer
Reason: Incompatible library version: sgminer requires version 10.0.0 or later, but libcurl.4.dylib provides version 9.0.0
Abort trap: 6
tried a bunch of different stuff but will keep trying!
Whoops, I left an old curl in there from one of the other sgminer binary distributions. Please try
Okay cool - this one runs.. but i am just getting rejected shares.. the x16r algo wasnt found.. which i dont see in the bin which is odd. Thanks again for all the help!
I believe there's no file because x16r is a combination of 16 other algorithms
Can you paste the output please?
[12:00:12] Algorithm x16r not found, using ckolivas.
Summary of runtime statistics:
[12:00:51] Started at [2018-03-29 12:00:14]
[12:00:51] Pool: stratum+tcp://
[12:00:51] Runtime: 0 hrs : 0 mins : 36 secs
[12:00:51] Average hashrate: 99.6 Kilohash/s
[12:00:51] Solved blocks: 0
[12:00:51] Best share difficulty: 30.67
[12:00:51] Share submissions: 4
[12:00:51] Accepted shares: 0
[12:00:51] Rejected shares: 4
[12:00:51] Accepted difficulty shares: 0
[12:00:51] Rejected difficulty shares: 32
[12:00:51] Reject ratio: 100.0%
[12:00:51] Hardware errors: 5
[12:00:51] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[12:00:51] Work Utility (diff1 shares solved / min): 27.03/min
[12:00:51] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[12:00:51] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[12:00:51] Work items generated locally: 27
[12:00:51] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[12:00:51] New blocks detected on network: 1
[12:00:51] Summary of per device statistics:
[12:00:51] GPU0 | (5s):87.78K (avg):99.63Kh/s | A:0 R:32 HW:5 WU:27.025/m
changing to --nfactor 11 didnt help either..
Ohh FFS the source code from the release is from a branch and not the master code from
Let me try compiling the branch.
This one has
No A/R/HW after a minute but I'm using a 7 year old laptop. Let me know how you get on!
Looks like this one is a winner. Having a memory issue with my crappy AMD though..
[14:00:46] Maximum buffer memory device 0 supports says 268435456
[14:00:46] Your settings come to 536870912
Quote the Raven: "The issues I am having are NEVERMORE". It works!! Fabulous Panda is a genius!
Trying to start the miner and am running into an issue:
"dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../../libunistring/lib/libunistring.2.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/XXX/sgminer-gm-x16r/libidn/lib/libidn2.0.dylib
Reason: image not found"
Thanks for testing it, it's good to here the miner will actually work for Mac. Sorry about that missing dep jin, here's a new version (N.B. compiled for 10.12+):
Thank you, @FabulousPanda
Care to share your conf file for the successful build/mine, @Intern1?
Would be greatly appreciated.
I just ran this from the command line inside the folder: ./sgminer -k x16r -o stratum+tcp:// -u username-p x -I 19 --hamsi-short -w 256 --blake-compact --luffa-parallel
Aparently there is now a better AMD miner called avermore..
This config works for me; you're the #1 dear panda
"pools": [
"url": "stratum+tcp://",
"user": "your_worker_name",
"pass": "x",
"no-extranonce": true
"profiles": [],
"failover-only": true,
"algorithm": "x16r",
"device": "2",
"intensity": "19",
"temp-cutoff": "95,95,95",
"temp-overheat": "0,0,0",
"temp-target": "0,0,0",
"gpu-memdiff": "0,0,0",
"shares": "0",
"kernel-path": "",
"api-mcast-port": "4028",
"api-port": "4028",
"expiry": "28",
"failover-switch-delay": "60",
"gpu-dyninterval": "7",
"gpu-platform": "-1",
"hamsi-expand-big": "4",
"keccak-unroll": "0",
"log": "5",
"no-pool-disable": true,
"no-client-reconnect": true,
"queue": "1",
"scan-time": "7",
"tcp-keepalive": "30",
"temp-hysteresis": "3",
"watchpool-refresh": "30"